Whoever made the decision to destroy the Insight section of the Maine Sunday Telegram should be taken behind the woodshed (“Our View: Count on confusion,” Oct. 16, Pages D1-D3). Local politics and questions on the ballot are very interesting and important for people living in the area. I had no idea that the Insight section of the Sunday paper was printed only for the people living in Portland.

My interest in the Maine Sunday Telegram is the editorials, columnist Victoria Hugo-Vidal and all the informative information in the Insight section of the Sunday paper. No paper on Monday, fine. Cutting down on the number of sheets in the paper, also fine. However, destroying the Insight section of the Telegram is beyond the pale.

I have been reading the Portland paper ever since I was a paperboy on Munjoy Hill. This was back in the days when I did my own collecting on Saturday at the rate of 35 cents per week for both papers.

Theodore Davis

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