It is time to remind all politicians, those in office and those running for office, who they work for: They are there to work for us, the people, to make our lives better.

They are not there to only support their party and always oppose the other. They are not there to just work to ensure they get reelected. They are there to work together, compromise and adjust to make the lives of all citizens better.

I recently had a member of one party tell me it is his job to always oppose ideas from the other party, even if that idea would solve problems and make things better. That is just not the right way to think or work.

It is time for all those in, and running for, elected office to remember who they work for: the people, all of the people in their state or country. They need to agree to disagree but then agree to talk together, work together and help all citizens, regardless of party affiliation!

Gary Phillips

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