The Wolff Sisters and Billy Keane perform a folk show at One Longfellow Square in Portland on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 7 p.m. Contributed / The Wolff Sisters
Friday 2/17
The Flannel and The Fruit Comedy: 7 p.m., Maine House Of Comedy, 77 Free St., Portland. $20 eventbrite.com
Saturday 2/18
Jimmy Kenny and the Pirate Beach Band: 8 p.m., Aura Maine, 121 Center St., Portland. 18-plus. auramaine.com
Thursday 2/23
Comedy night: 7:30 p.m., North 43 Bistro, 1 Spring Point Drive, South Portland. north43bistro.com
Saturday 2/25
You Should Smile More improv: 7:30 p.m., Meetinghouse Arts, 40 Main St., Freeport. $20 adults; $10 students 18 and under. meetinghousearts.org
Thursday Night Comedy: 7 p.m. every Thursday, Stroudwater Distillery, 28 Resurgam Place, Portland. Hosted by Ian MacDonald. Weekly rotating lineup. $10 online or in person. eventbrite.com
Through 2/18
Winter studio sale: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays, Meetinghouse Arts Gallery and Stage, 40 Main St., Freeport. meetinghousearts.org
Through 2/24
Maine Jewish Museum new exhibitions: Open Sundays through Fridays from noon to 4 p.m., closed on Saturdays. Exhibitions feature a new work by Sara Crisp, as well as “The Hole in the Net: The Art of Steve Marcus,” and a photography gallery, “When Midnight Comes Around: New York City 1976-1986,” by Gary Green. 267 Congress St., Portland. mainejewishmuseum.org
Friday 2/24
James Mullen artist talk: 5 p.m., Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, 15 Middle St., Suite A3, Portland. mainemuseumofphotographicarts.org
Through 2/26
“Paintings by Women Artists”: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Richard Boyd Art Gallery, 15 Epps St., Portland. richardboydpottery.com
Through 3/3
“2 x 14 Love Show”: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays, Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth. yarmouthlibrary.org
Through 3/26
“Fine Print,” works by Greg Shattenberg and Ivonne Portillo: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, Wednesdays. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Casco Bay Artisans, 68 Commercial St., Portland. cascobayartisans.com
Through 2/29
“First Light: Radiance,” photographic arts: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays, Thornton Oaks Retirement Community, 25 Thornton Way, Brunswick. thorntonoaks.com
Through 6/11
“Tenacious”: Themes of aging, chronic illness, mental health, curated by Tilly Laskey. UNE Art Gallery, 716 Stevens Ave., Portland. library.une.edu
Casco Bay Artisans: 68 Commercial St., Building A, Portland. cascobayartisans.com
Freeport Antiques and Heirlooms Showcase: Through spring, 31 Main St., Freeport. “Maine at its Midpoint” photography by Kosti Ruohomaa. freeportantiquesshowcase.com
Maine Art Collective: Multimedia experience run by 14 Maine artists using media ranging from sculpture to jewelry, painting to photography. Maine Art Collective, 18 Exchange St., Portland. maineartcollective.com.
Friday 2/17
“No Bears”: By Jafar Panahi, in Farsi, Azerbaijani and Turkish with English subtitles. 7 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $9; $7 members. space538.org
Saturday 2/18
“The Black Press: Soldiers Without Swords” (1999): 3 p.m., Rines Auditorium, 5 Monument Square, Portland. portlandlibrary.com
“Children of the Mist”: 6:30 p.m., in Hmong and Vietnamese with English subtitles, Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $9; $7 members. space538.org
“Leroy Jones – a Man and His Trumpet”: 7 p.m., Portland Conservatory of Music, 28 Neal St., Portland. portlandconservatoryofmusic.org
Wednesday 2/22
“Design for Living” (1933): 7 p.m., Merrill Memorial Library, 215 Main St., Yarmouth. yarmouthlibrary.org
“Pacifiction” (2022): 7 p.m., in French with English subtitles, Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $9; $7 members. space538.org
Through 2/23
“Space Park 360 Infinity”: Full-dome theme park ride simulation, 2 p.m., Southworth Planetarium, 70 Falmouth St., Portland. usm.maine.edu/planet
Friday 2/24
“Deep Listening: The Story of Pauline Oliveros”: 7 p.m., Space Gallery, 538 Congress St., Portland. $9; $5 members. space538.org
Apohadion Theater: 107 Hanover St., Portland. theapohadiontheater.com
Merrill Film Society: Watch movies on your own and join a Zoom discussion. Email Mike at mcarnes@yarmouthlibrary.org for an invitation. yarmouthlibrary.org
Bowdoin College Museum of Art: 245 Maine St., Brunswick. Free admission. bowdoin.edu/art-museum
Free Friday: 4 p.m., Fridays, Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square, Portland. portlandmuseum.org
Portland Observatory: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 138 Congress St., Thursday-Saturday for 45-minute guided tours. Details at portlandlandmarks.org.
Friday 2/17
Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd laser show: 7 p.m., Southworth Planetarium, 96 Falmouth St., Portland. usm.maine.edu/planet
Xander Nelson: 7 p.m., Evie’s Ferry Village Watering Hole, 121 Sawyer St., South Portland.
Damn Tall Buildings: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., No. 201, Portland. onelongfellowsquare.com
Dead Set: 8 p.m., Portland House of Music and Events, 25 Temple St., Portland. portlandhouseofmusic.com
Friction Friday: Dubstep, garage and bass. 9 p.m., Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. 21-plus. flasklounge.com
Friday 2/17 & Saturday 2/18
moe.: 8 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $41.50 advance, $50 at door, $70.50 two-day pass. statetheatreportland.com
Saturday 2/18
DaPonte String Quartet “Winter Light” benefit concert: 3 p.m., First Baptist Church, 185 Main St., Freeport. dapontequartet.org
Myles Bullen, the Bumbling Woohas, BlueRaspberry: 7 p.m., Find thrift store, 16 Free St., Portland. bandsintown.com
The Wolff Sisters, Billy Keane: 7 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., No. 201, Portland. $15 advance, $20 at door. bandsintown.com
The Heated: The Dogfish Company, 128 Free St., Portland. 772-5483
Sunday 2/19
Magic 8 Ball mid-winter concert: 7 p.m., St. Lawrence Arts, 76 Congress St., Portland. stlawrencearts.org
Tuesday 2/21
The Dip: 8 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $25 advance, $28 at door. statetheatreportland.com
Wednesday 2/22
Off With Their Heads: 7 p.m., Geno’s Rock Club, 625 Congress St., Portland. bandsintown.com
Wednesday 2/22 & Thursday 2/23
Lyle Divinsky: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., No. 201, Portland. $15 advance, $20 at door. onelongfellowsquare.com
Thursday 2/23
Happy Folk: The Dogfish Company, 128 Free St., Portland. 772-5483
Friday 2/24
MidnightBreakfast: 7 p.m., Blue, 650A Congress St., Portland. portcityblue.com
Square Loop, Snake Lips, Savor, Milk St.: 7 p.m., Urban Farm Fermentory, 200 Anderson St., Portland. 21-plus. $10 fermentory.com
Griffin House: 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., No. 201, Portland. $25 advance, $35 at door. onelongfellowsquare.com
“Best Night Ever: Taylor’s Version”: Taylor Swift dance party, 9 p.m., State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland. $25 statetheatreportland.com
Dark Desert Eagles: 9 p.m., Aura Maine, 121 Center St., Portland. 21-plus. $15-$29.50 auramaine.com
Saturday 2/25
Anni Clark: 7:30 p.m., Chocolate Church Arts Center Annex, 804 Washington St., Bath. $18 advance, $22 at door. chocolate.na.ticketsearch.com
Rob Carpenter: 6 p.m., Fridays, Byrnes’ Irish Pub, 16 Station Ave., Brunswick. byrnesirishpub.com
Friday DJ: 8 p.m., every Friday, O’Donoghue’s Pub, 103 Pleasant St., Brunswick. facebook.com/ODonoghuesPubBrunswickMe
Flask Retro Party: 8 p.m., every last Saturday, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. $5 flasklounge.com
Live Music: 9 p.m., Fridays, Sea Dog Brewing Company, 125 Western Ave., South Portland. seadogbrewing.com
“Monday of the Minds”: Hip hop open mic, 8 p.m., Mondays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. 21-plus. flasklounge.com
Open DJ Night: 8:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Flask Lounge, 117 Spring St., Portland. flasklounge.com
Open jazz session: 7 p.m., Wednesdays, Blue, 650A Congress St., Portland. portcityblue.com
Stereo Dreams: Open mic, 8 p.m., every first Wednesday, Sun Tiki Studios, 375 Forest Ave., Portland. suntikistudios.com
Sunday 2/19
Groove and Brew: Hip-hop dance class and drinks, 11 a.m., Banded Brewing Co., 82 Hanover St. Suite 6, Portland. groove207.com
Through 2/19
“Killer Comfort”: Dark comedy, 12:30 p.m., Saturdays, Good Theater production, St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland. $20 advance, $10 final rush. goodtheater.com
“The High Road”: 7 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays; 7:30 p.m. Fridays; 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturdays; 2 p.m. Sundays. Good Theater production, St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., Portland. $30 goodtheater.com
Through 2/26
“Quills”: By Doug Wright, 7:30 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, 5 p.m. Sundays. Mad Horse Theater, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. 18-plus. madhorse.com
Thursday 2/23-Saturday 3/11
“Adam and Eve: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Garden”: 7 p.m., Footlights Theatre, 190 US Route 1, Falmouth. $20 thefootlightstheatre.com
Open Stage: 6 p.m. last Friday of every month, Three of Strong Spirits distillery, 35B Diamond St., Portland. threeofstrongspirits.com
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