Morse senior Gavin Baillargeon delivers a pitch during a baseball game last season. Baillargeon will attend the University of Maine to play baseball. Janessa Leclair Williams photo

Editor’s note: Mt. Ararat High School senior Landen Chase is doing his senior capstone project on sports journalism. He will be doing an occasional question-and-answer series — as well as some other stories — for The Times Record. His first story was on Mt. Ararat senior Belle Hemond, who is set to attend Division II Assumption College in Worcester, Mass. This next one, Chase chats with Morse senior Gavin Baillargeon, who will be attending the University of Maine to play baseball.


Q: Why did you choose to attend the University of Maine?

A: They had an excellent wildlife program; it would not have made sense for me to leave Maine to study wild animals. I also connected with all the coaches there so it was a pretty easy decision.

Q: What do you plan to study at UMaine?

A: Wildlife ecology


Q: What are you going to miss most about Morse?

A: My friends and the Bath community.

Q: What is your favorite baseball memory

A: Throwing my first no-hitter at Kelly field against Gardiner.

Mt. Ararat senior Landen Chase is doing his senior capstone project on sports journalism. Submitted photo

Q: What did you learn in your four years at Morse?

A: I learned a lot about adversity. Even when you lose you can always bounce back.


Q: What are you most excited about at UMaine?

A: I am really excited to play Division I baseball. It will be a competition level that I have not experienced before.

Q: What are you looking to do after graduating from UMaine?

A: I plan to become a wildlife biologist

Q: Who were some of your favorite Morse teachers?

A: I have two — Mr. Kinney because he does great work for the Bath community. And also Ms. Madden; I had her the last two years and she is just the sweetest human ever.

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