Both of your columnists in the Oct. 8 edition got it right.

Jim Fossel correctly laid the blame for the troubles of the current Republican-led House of Representatives on those who he appropriately calls “delusional” and “lunatic.” They, and those who stood by while they sabotaged the House and brought all of the business of our country to a halt, bear 100% of the responsibility. Fossel also spares us the false narrative that it was the Democrats’ failure to rescue Speaker Kevin McCarthy from his own caucus that caused the collapse.

Victoria Hugo-Vidal also hit the nail squarely. We all (if we don’t want to lose our democracy) have to go find a mirror, point an accusing finger at the image looking back at us and say: “You are responsible” for this very dangerous mess and only you can get us out of it. Don’t look at the “other guy” to do something. Take a personal oath to hold yourself accountable.

Dig as deep as time and circumstance permit, educate yourself on the issues (not what your favorite social media outlet tells you they are).

Identify the “culprits” and vote for someone who can be part of a solution, rather just another circus clown.

Ken MacLean

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