Vote no on school bond

To the editor,

I am writing as a mother of a future Scarborough public school student in the all-important 2027 kindergarten class. I am also writing as a resident of the Sawyer Road neighborhood who is directly impacted by the school land deal.

I am deeply concerned with the proposed school ballot question. Hidden in the $160 million bond is a land deal with The Downs that requires a public street to be built down our private, dead-end road. If this road opens up to the entire Downs development, the traffic would be life-altering to our whole Sawyer Road neighborhood.

Because this issue hits so close to home, I have tuned into town council meetings more than I ordinarily would. At these meetings, I have learned about the other worrisome stipulations in this deal. Equally concerning is a zone change and buffer reduction to the parcel where the school is to be built. These changes would increase the density of housing in that area as well as allow commercial development. Moreover, there is no Downs site plan yet for what will be developed around the school. (Watch the Oct. 18 town council meeting online to learn more.)

When you head to the polls, I ask you to vote as if the children and families who ride their bikes down Sawyer Road were your own. We need a solution to school space and safety, but we cannot do so at the expense of children’s safety in their own neighborhoods.


Meghan Condry

To the editor,

Think of a 5, 6, or 7 year old you love. Do you want to send this child to a small school with trees and grass all around and with limited noise and traffic pollution or would you rather send this young child to a mega school with construction, delivery trailer trucks going to Costco and other business, and more traffic noise because of the number of busses — 50? — to bring over 1,000 children to this mega school?

Think of this sweet child again and vote accordingly. Renovate and improve these neighborhood schools and vote a resounding NO!

Fran Audet

To the editor,


The Scarborough School Board has seriously misrepresented the tax impact of the proposed $160 million school project.

In 2027, Scarborough taxpayers’ bills will be 9.9% higher than they would be without the school project.

If you can figure out the Town’s incredibly complex tax estimating model, you will see that the taxes in 2027 on a home currently assessed at $400,000 would be $6,552 if the school is not built. If the school is built, the taxes would be $7,202. That $650 increase due to the school project represents a 9.9% increase over what they would have been.

Yet the School Board’s heavily-publicized materials on the project continue to state that “if your home is assessed today at $400K, on average your tax bill may increase up to $200 to support the school project bond.” Even the math-challenged among us will recognize that $650 per year is way more than $200 per year.

Still not convinced you’re being misled? If not, please read the fine print on the school referendum ballot. It plainly states that the average impact of the bond issue on that $400,000 home is $488 per year for the next 34 years (which includes the $650 in 2027). That’s about two-and-a half times the $200 per year the School Board says!

The School Board needs to come clean with taxpayers and come back with an affordable proposal to meet our school growth needs. The first step in making that happen is to vote NO on the school project on Nov.r 7.


Steve Hanly

Say yes to new school bond

To the editor,

I bought my house in 1970. I am now 86, retired on a fixed income.

I served on the School Board when we renovated and added portables to the K-2 schools, built the Middle School, did two High School renovations and built Wentworth. There was always an outcry about cost. Wentworth came in at 2 Mil under budget!

We need this school for the education, health and welfare of our students. It will also save money on maintenance and will increase learning days.


Have any of you entered one of those schools during a hot spell? Our youngest students are entitled to a clean, cool and healthy learning environment.

We have not had neighborhood schools for a long time. We have schools in neighborhoods. We have been bussing students for years.

The longer we wait, the more it will cost. Vote YES now for our students.

Jackie Perry

To the editor,

I am writing to support the new school building. As the parent of a child with special needs who is unable to attend our neighborhood school so that she has access to the services she needs, the new school building provides the opportunity for her to be with other children who are more like her. It means the ability for specialized services, ed techs, therapies and resources to be available equally to all of our students who need them. We need school buildings that are designed so that ALL of our children can attend and access the education that it is our responsibility to provide. Please join me in supporting to bond for the new school project and making sure that all of our children can access the education that they need.


Frayla Tarpinian

To the editor,

I first became involved in the Unified School Project as a mom whose daughter’s entire educational experience will be impacted by the choice we make in November. That involvement deepened to supporting the project’s efforts to ensure every voter had the facts needed to make a decision aligned with their values. Here’s what I learned: As a parent, I feel extraordinarily lucky to have the opportunity to bring an equitable, community-based, child-first solution to our students: today and for decades to come. As a professional, the intentional and comprehensive process of the District, Town, and Building Committee is unmatched to anything I’ve seen similar. No matter what vision for the future you believe is best, please vote on November 7th! Our children and future leaders need your voice.

Laura Petrolino

To the editor

“We can do better.” You have probably seen this compelling slogan on a “vote no” roadside sign. I have to admit, it’s clever. It’s unifying. It’s optimistic. It’s a promise of something that the creators of those signs will never deliver on. “We” implies we are all in this together, working side by side, toward a solution. The truth is that these signs were paid for by a group whose members were specifically asked to join the building committee in 2018/19 and several times since, but they declined.


I urge the residents of Scarborough to ask themselves, who will do better, and when? If you have one of these signs displayed proudly in your front yard, can our community count on you to answer the call?

For five years as an elected official for our community, I have championed collaboration, communication, respect, and trust. I will undoubtedly be accused of fueling an us vs them narrative by writing this letter. The truth is, I have routinely made genuine efforts to bring everyone to the table.

I am not willing to stand by while “we” recklessly put the school building project at risk with absolutely zero accountability from those who hope to see it fail. I completely understand and respect that not everyone will think this project is the right solution for Scarborough, but I draw the line at “we can do better,” unless of course you plan to join me.

I will be voting YES on this well researched comprehensive school solution.

April Sither

To the editor,


I applaud the people who have devoted an incredible amount of time in studying the problem of overcrowding in the schools.

I hear that people object to the proposal because they have a problem with the Downs. I hear that it is not a fair deal, that the projected tax increase is unreliable and unacceptable, and that we should be getting subsidy from the state to help with this project. I hear the proposal creates an elementary school that is the Taj Mahal of all elementary schools in Maine.

I believe the Downs will become a vibrant part of our community and bring the revenue that will help support the long term needs of Scarborough. I don’t know if it is a fair deal or not, but I do know the developers will be investing significantly into the necessary infrastructure that will support this project. Every effort has been made to seek state support; unfortunately, Scarborough falls way short on the priority list just has South Portland has discovered. We need to solve this problem on our own. The proposed elementary school has been designed in the best interest of the students based on space necessary to meet not only the requirements for a safe learning environment but also meet the required state and federal mandates.

I am voting YES because I believe the proposal has been well reviewed, well conceived, and because I believe the proposal is in the best interest of our children, now and in the future!

Richard Sawyer

Elect Crockett to Water District board


I’d like to express my support to re-elect Leroy Crockett as our Portland Water District Trustee.

I met Leroy 5 years ago when I joined the chamber of commerce through a networking group that Leroy helped start for local businesses looking to grow their business. I saw how passionate Leroy is about the Scarborough community in helping the citizens and local business owners like myself. I have witnessed his dedication to our community through the local chamber of commerce, Scarborough Buy Local, volunteering for events like Concert In The Park & Scarborough Community Thanksgiving, his tireless service on local town committees and as our current trustee to Portland Water District. We need a leader like Leroy representing us to protect our water, conserve & preserve our resources and be there to address our needs & concerns. Please join me in re-electing our trustee Leroy Crockett to Portland Water District.

Paul Beaver

To the editor,

Leroy Crockett is running for re-election to Portland Water District Board of Trustees.

Leroy is a life-long Scarborough resident and knows its challenges well. He is an active community member and volunteer. He has served on numerous charitable and service organizations’ boards and committees, including Buy Local and Scarborough Chamber of Commerce.


He is a past president of Scarborough Rotary Club, where he championed literacy projects at the middle and intermediate schools. He worked with the high school and middle school on student of the quarter citizenship recognition programs, and is active in raising money for college scholarships. Safe drinking water is a Rotary Focus area and Leroy helped raise money for clean water projects in Guatemala, Dominican Republic, and Bangladesh.

Leroy is part of the Scarborough Alumni Memorial Golf Committee that raises money for Scarborough High School student scholarships. He served on the Community Services/ Recreation Committee, and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Please join me in voting for Leroy Crockett for Portland Water District Board of Trustees. I’m confident his experience and diligence will be beneficial to all.

Thank you to all of the candidates for running for public office!

Richard Murphy

To the editor,


I am writing in support of Leroy Crockett’s candidacy for Portland Water District Board of Trustees. Leroy is seeking re-election to represent Scarborough for a five-year term.

As a lifelong Scarborough resident, Leroy is dedicated to giving back to the community where he was born, raised and lives. He is committed to representing Scarborough with clean water, sustainability and conservation initiatives.

I hope you will join me in voting for Leroy Crockett for Portland Water District Board of Trustees on November 7th!

Shannon Lindstrom

Re-elect Anderson to Town Council

I am writing to express my support for Jon Anderson’s candidacy for Town Council.


As a School Board member, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Jon over the last three years. What stands out the most to me is just how dedicated Jon is to

The work is not easy and Jon approaches each decision with Scarborough residents at the forefront of his mind. He is thoughtful. He is dedicated. He listens. He cares.

I believe we are fortunate to have Jon represent us and look forward to voting for him to continue representing us for the next three years. I hope you will join
me in voting for Jon Anderson for Town Council!

Shannon Lindstrom

Doherty for Town Council

To The editor,


Finally! A clear thinking, practical candidate for Town Counsel!

Scott Doherty has enjoyed a lifetime as a hard working, self-employed Scarborough resident. I’m certain (and so should you be) that he’ll exercise a needed sense of fiscal practicality in his approach to spending other people’s money.

Scott Doherty is not hell-bent on further ensnaring and burdening hard working townsfolk with MORE debt for some $160MM Big Box School.

Keep in mind before you pull the lever as a voter: Neighborhood schools foster an irreplaceable and enduring sense of community that Scarborough currently enjoys, a sense of place that Big Box Schools can’t come close to replicating.

Vote for Scott. You’ll save a lot.

Tim Fahey


To the editor,

I support Scott Doherty for Town Council and encourage Scarborough voters to do the same.

Scott is a common sense candidate who supports responsible spending. He has served in local government with several terms on the Sanitary District and currently as Scarborough’s representative on Maine’s Lobster Zone Council. Scott is honest, fair, and creative at finding solutions to problems. He understands that growth and change are inevitable, but the town of Scarborough needs to prioritize fiscal restraint. We would all be fortunate to have his voice and judgment on the Town Council.

Please vote for Scott Doherty.”

Susan Koch

To the editor,


I heartily support sensible Scott Doherty for Scarborough Town Council.

He’s a very likable lobsterman, a great listener, and someone blessed with lots of common sense.

Fiscally frugal, Councilor Doherty will do everything in his power to limit municipal expenditures and give taxpayers “more bang for their bucks.”

Elect sensible Scott – help Scarborough “Stop Spending!”

Bruce W. Flaherty

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