Oct. 31 was a cold, crisp Halloween morning driving down I-95. I was listening to Maine Public. To my ears, it’s the only listenable radio station. I tend to believe and trust most of what I hear on NPR. So, when I heard what Americans were predicted to spend to celebrate Halloween, I was flummoxed. Forget candy by the ton. It included $700 million on costumes … “for pets.”

We lost our dog this year. Another story altogether. As friendly and companionable an animal never existed. Still, if I tried to apply a costume to her, she’d resist. Santa bought her a dog sweater one Christmas. She wasn’t having it. “Hey, I’m a proud, warm Golden Retriever. Enough with this. Brush me!”

Few are wired to have fun with (let alone love) a dog more than I am. But doggie costumes?

Dogs are happy in their own skin – or coat, if you will. No need to be anything but a dog. I don’t think they lie around wondering what they want to be for Halloween. Being a good dog is enough. Don’t get me started on their unconditional love – talk about a daily treat.

Not surprisingly, we’re in the market for “a rescue.” Sure, a Golden would be our inclination. But any superhero, pirate or princess – as long as it has a tail – would suffice. $700 million notwithstanding, I’m signing this letter, as well as a (slightly smaller) check to our local animal shelter.

Onward to Thanksgiving – a doggone great holiday!

Buddy Doyle

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