New Scarborough community association joins disaster relief efforts

To the editor,

This week the People of Pine Point, Inc. completed its registration as a community association by approving a board of nine directors with Heidi Davis as chair and electing officers. Congratulations to those people. We look forward to working as a unified leadership team and will soon begin a membership drive.

We want to thank our Town’s essential services and staff and others for their emergency response and securing our homes and services following the recent historic storms.

We will meet with our other community associations at Higgins Beach and Prouts Neck along with the town manager and key staff to complete a full evaluation of the damage sustained to report to our local, state, and federal agencies for assistance. Similar efforts are underway in our adjacent coastal communities which we aim to join.

We will be a voice and resource for all our residents and neighbors. We can provide information and serve as a conduit for relief assistance and well as an advocate to deal with the many challenges of sea level rise.


To that end we are organizing a meeting in Scarborough with our local, state, and federal elected representatives to work together for coordinated emergency relief legislation. This will include tour of the devastation in our coastal areas and other parts of town.

We look forward to working with you in our recovery efforts as well as planning, prioritizing, and implementing mitigation strategies and plans.

Mark Dresser
President, People of Pine Point, Inc.

Reduce reliance on fossil fuel

To the editor,

On Jan. 23 Senator Stacy Brenner led the passage of a resolution of support in the senate for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Representative Rebecca Millett led in the House. When enacted internationally it will 1) immediately end the expansion of new fossil fuel production;
2) Phase out existing production in a fast and fair manner, and 3) ensure that no workers and countries are left behind in the transition.


Third Act Maine, an organization of elder climate activists, brought the initiative forth. Maine became the second state to endorse the initiative after California.

Senator Brenner’s eloquent remarks tell the story best:

“The choices we make today will determine the future of our environment and the quality of life for all living beings. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at addressing the urgent need to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels have undeniably powered our progress and our economic growth, but the environmental costs have been staggering. Climate change, the degradation of ecosystems, and extreme weather events like the historic storms that resulted in devastating flooding events in Maine are all consequences of our reliance on these finite resources. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty recognizes the severity of this challenge. It is a commitment to the health of our planet and the health of its inhabitants.”

Thank you Senator Brenner. We must wrest control of our climate future from the fossil fuel industry whose only obligation is to make profit.

Charles Spanger
Third Act Maine

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