The Cumberland/North Yarmouth Lions Club named Greely senior Finlay McLean, center, the Student of the Month award for his involvement with mental health group KyleCares. Lions President KC Hughes, left, and Student of the Month Chair Phil Hunt delivered the award. Contributed / Cumberland North Yarmouth Lions Club

Greely High School student Finlay “Fin” McLean recently received the honor of Student of the Month from the Cumberland/North Yarmouth Lions Club.

As an officer of the student mental health awareness group KyleCares, McLean works to end the stigma around mental illness and offer support for those in the Greely community who may need it.

McLean is a senior lacrosse player who also coaches youth club and serves as a National Honors Society member.

In an interview with The Forecaster early this year, McLean said he wants “to be there for people” when they might need to talk.

In his spare time, McLean enjoys sailing, boating and fishing on Casco Bay.

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