Brunswick High School student Jaden Nicita plays the Phantom and Marguerite Benham is Christine Daae in “The Phantom of the Opera,” to be performed at the high school March 14-17 and 22-23. Contributed / Laila Valade

Brunswick High School Players, a theater program for Brunswick students, will perform the classic musical, “Phantom of the Opera,” at 7 p.m. March 14, 15, 16, 22 and 23, and at 2 p.m. March 17 at the high school’s Cooker Theater.

The main cast is made up of 20 students with ballerinas, a chorus and an ensemble. Brunswick High School is located at 71 Dragon Drive.

Tickets are $12 for students and seniors and $17 for adults. They will be available at the door, but can also be purchased online at


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