Westbrook High School Chamber Singers performed at the State House and received legislative recognition for their achievements. Pictured, from left, are Westbrook Music Director Suzanne Proulx, Rep. Sue Salisbury and Sen. Jill Duson. Contributed / Maine House Majority Office
Legislators honor Westbrook students
The Westbrook High School Chamber Singers traveled to the State House last week to perform the national anthem for the Maine Senate.
The three highest achieving students of the Class of 2024 – valedictorian Claire Filiatrault, salutatorian Hailey Rondeau and class essayist Ellyana Young – were honored with legislative sentiments. Members of the middle and high school jazz ensemble and Jazz Lab Band were also given recognition by representatives. Many of the members earned awards at the recent Maine Music Educators’ Association State High School Instrumental Jazz Festival.
“I’d like to thank the Westbrook High School Chamber Singers for their excellent rendition of the National Anthem,” Sen. Jill Duson said in a press release. “I’d also like to recognize the musical excellence of the Westbrook Arts Department. Thank you for enriching our community with your extraordinary talents.”
Sen. Tim Nangle said, “It’s awesome to see such a dedication to educational and cultural pursuits from young folks in our community.”
Pizza Challenge is back
Westbrook-Gorham Rotary Club holds its second annual pizza challenge from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18, at Westbrook Community Center.
Ten local pizza restaurants will compete for the titles Best Overall Pizza, Most Creative Pizza, and People’s Choice. A five-judge panel includes WLOB radio talk show host Ray Richardson, Channel 6 meteorologist Jason “Mr. Pizza” Nappi and Cumberland County Sheriff Kevin Joyce.
There will be a DJ, face painting, cornhole, caricatures, games and a bounce house. JetBlue airlines is giving away two roundtrip tickets in a raffle.
The event, and all-you-can-eat pizza, costs $12, $5 for children under age 12 and free for those under 5, available at the door.
Last year, Profenno’s Pizzeria was voted Best Tasting and The Frog and Turtle won Most Creative. The event helps fund Rotary charitable programs like scholarships and food insecurity support.
Fire and Rescue step-up
Westbrook Fire and Rescue’s request to upgrade its license to the paramedic level has been granted by the Maine EMS agency.
“The 134-year-old Westbrook Fire Department was licensed for decades at the emergency medical technician level and permitted to the paramedic level,” Assistant Chief Gary Wagner said in an announcement. That level allowed the fire department to “provide paramedic-level care when a licensed paramedic was available.” The department has 40 personnel with paramedic licenses, including three chief officers, and four firefighters are completing paramedic training, he said.
50 years ago
The American Journal reported on April 10, 1974, that an arson fire the previous week destroyed a barn and 70 cattle at the Wormell Dairy Farm on Brook Street. Firefighters saved another barn.
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