“We may have come over on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now!” John Lewis quipped. So we had better pull ourselves together and get rowing in the same direction, before we self-destruct on the rocks of division, disinformation and dangerous rhetoric.

Let’s end the storm that cripples our Congress, renders us impotent to solve critical existential issues and do-or-die impasses, some as simple as keeping the lights on. Calm the chaos.

The time for us to engage each other to support and amplify the moderate voices in our communities is now. Compromise and consensus are the bedrock of a functioning democracy. Both sides of important issues deserve that kind of representation.

This election year may be our best and maybe once in a generation chance to steer ourselves off the rocks before we sink the ship.

Stop the Marjorie Taylor Greenes cold at the local level. Demand dignified, informed, calm leaders. Know and tangibly champion them. Do it now, before our actions are too little, too late.

Jane Card

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