One of the great joys annually for me is to look back at the end of the year and see that we accomplished as both a chamber and as a region, and 2024 was a big year for us. As we begin to lay out our 2025 plans, it’s important to take a look back at what went well in 2024 so we can carry that forward for 2025. With that, here is the first part of our 2024 recap:
Annual Meeting of Membership Ignites 2024 The year began with a huge January Chamber After Hours which also doubles as the bylaw-mandated Annual Meeting of the Membership. Well over 100 business leaders met us at Brickyard Hollow in Brunswick and they ignited a big year for us with their energy and enthusiasm. Along with the regular networking, we also were accepting final nominations for our March Annual Awards Dinner and introducing the 2024 Board members.
What we will take forward from this in 2025 is the need for a big location (as there is always a heavy turnout in January), to get it on people’s calendars early, and to do it as late as we can in January to be sure to miss other organizations Annual Meetings. Thus, the 2025 January After Hours is already set, again for the fifth week of January as it will be at the Brunswick Landing Y (24 Venture Ave., Brunswick) on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025 from 5 to 7 p.m. The Meeting of the Membership will be called to order at precisely 6 p.m.
Speaking of the Board of Directors …
The leadership team of the Bath-Brunswick Regional Chamber is critical to our success, and this team is made up of regional business leaders volunteering their time to help lead the organization. We are grateful for their leadership and contribution to the community.
As announced at the January Meeting of the Membership, Shannon Anketell of Bath Savings Institution continued the recent tradition of board presidents serving a two-year term, as she re-committed for a second year in 2024, as did Joe Grant of MaineHealth as first vice president. Rebecca Knight of M&T Bank stepped into the line of succession as the second vice president, Friend of the Chamber Katie Winglass jumped on as treasurer, and Bethany Tyler of Avita continued as secretary. It should be noted that we were onboarding a new board member who was a past president of the chamber to take the role of treasurer, and Stacey Chenevert did just a few months later, while Katie remained on the board at a director level.
These are just the officers though, as we also have a full board of directors which includes: Don Spann of RE/MAX-Riverside; Nick DeBlois of One River CPAs; Brad Pattershall, friend of the Chamber (citizen member); Bob Warren of Midcoast Insurance Agency; Jen Charboneau of Cook’s Lobster & Ale House; Jill Patridge of Reform Physical Therapy; Allison Hopkins of Wilcox Wellness & Fitness; Sheri Howe of Darling’s Brunswick Ford; and Community Liaison Paul Loveless of the Brunswick Retired Activities Office who helps our veterans. This incredible group of leaders represents a diverse cross-section of our business community and have been instrumental in our successes. Thank you for your hard work over the past year.
Monthly networking and Chamber After Hours Bloom Both the Chamber After Hours and 12 @ 12 Lunches, our two primary networking programs, really took off in 2024 with huge thanks going to Assistant Director Anthony Jamison. Oh, that’s something else too! Anthony got promoted from Chamber coordinator to assistant director in 2024.
With Anthony’s focus and professionalism we had some tremendous networking events in 2024. The year started off with the big Brickyard Hollow After Hours, then in February we checked out Habitat for Humanity’s new space in Bath (along with co-sponsor Bath Savings). They were in the midst of their annual art and unique item fundraiser and guests got to see the pieces in-person for this online bidding bonanza. We took March off due to the Awards Dinner, but were back at it with another big turnout in Bath in April as SCORE co-hosted at Union + Co. for After Hours. For some, it was the first time in the downtown co-working space and they were just as impressed as anyone else who has ever walked through those doors on Centre Street.
In May, the After Hours showcased the incredible changes that keep happening at the Brunswick Naval Aviation Museum & Memorial Gardens, and caterer Cook’s Lobster & Ale House announced their Claws & Country fundraising concert that would be happening at the museum in July (which was spectacular by the way). In June, Maine Maritime Museum was our Friday night host, as we were set to take the boat out for a cruise. Although fate didn’t allow for the boat trip, we still had oysters, Colombian street food and got to mingle in their iconic space for the night.
That gets us through the first half of the year for After Hours, but also worth mentioning is our 12 @ 12 free networking lunch series which is one of the best programs we run. Twelve people get together for lunch and each get five minutes to discuss what they do. Great connections are made here monthly. Thanks to our hosts from all of 2024 for the great food and hospitality, including: Residence Inn, Bath Savings, Wild Oats (for the food at the BBRC hosted 12 @ 12), Reform Physical Therapy, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, J. Edward Knight Insurance, Patten Free Library, The Highlands, and Avita of Brunswick.
Both of these monthly programs are free-to-attend events and the dates for 2025 for both programs are nearly confirmed (we will post them in two weeks). I can’t stress enough how these can help you grow your networks.
Look for part two of the year in review next week!
Cory King is executive director of the Bath-Brunswick Regional Chamber of Commerce.
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