It’s shameful.

Israel is killing thousands of Palestinians and claims it is after Hamas. But Israeli forces are destroying hospitals and schools, children, reporters, doctors. Who can believe Netanyahu and Israeli officials? It’s shameful.

It’s nothing but genocide. How can Jewish people, who were victims in World War II, and anyone else think it is OK for Israelis to commit genocide against another people? It’s shameful.

How can President Biden and much of Congress support sending U.S. weapons to Israel, using our tax dollars, so it can kill even more Palestinians and commit genocide on a larger scale? It’s shameful.

How can most of us in this country look the other way while this travesty continues? It’s shameful.

How can we trust a new administration to end this catastrophe, since it has suggested it might support Israel illegally annexing the West Bank and Gaza? It’s even more shameful.

In this time of peace and renewal, it’s time to end this horror show. No more revenge. No more killing. No more shame.

Larry Dansinger

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