President-elect Trump is proposing pardoning the hundreds of MAGA rioters who were convicted of assaulting a policeman and women who defended our Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. This is an outrage.

I love my country. I respect the rule of law. I am profoundly thankful that Capitol police officers stood up to the MAGA rioters four years ago. On that day, more than 100 policemen and women were injured, some severely. Many have PTSD. Four committed suicide after Jan. 6, which their families feel was related to the stress of that awful day.

Can we speak up? Can we stand up, as these brave men and women did for us? It is our turn. We can call our representatives and ask that pardons not be given to these felons. Should we go to the streets to protest, my sign will say “Defend our police. No pardons for the Jan. 6 MAGA felons.”

Margo Donnis
South Portland

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