In response to Gordon Colby’s “Consider scientific facts, not emotional campaigns, when checking GMOs” (Dec. 11): There are more than 485 chemicals detectable in the average adult body. In 2004, the Red Cross randomly tested newborns and found 287 chemicals in the cord blood of infants.

A May 2011 study titled “Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada,” listed in the U.S. National Library of Medicine (, found Serum 3-MPPA and CryAb1 – GMO corn herbicide and pesticide toxin residues – in pregnant women, their fetuses and non-pregnant women.

Other reports, such as one found on the Moms Across America website, state that GMO corn has glyphosate (Roundup) and formaldehyde residues, while non-GMO corn has none.

According to Colby, we should not be concerned about GMOs, as he states they are not more harmful and therefore should not need to be labeled.

Clearly, chemical residues are not something desirable in anyone, especially young children. We have no idea of the potential long-term damage they are doing to people, animals, wildlife and our environment. Perhaps if Colby were a woman, a mother or pregnant, he would not agree with a Seattle Times editorial calling this an “emotion-based campaign.”

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