As a life-long resident of Yarmouth and patron of Merrill Memorial Library, I am writing this letter to encourage Yarmouth residents to vote yes on the library bond issue on June 25. The library has been a signature building in the center of town for 108 years. But it is in desperate need of long-overdue infrastructure and safety improvements, code upgrades, and deferred maintenance. And take note, passing the bond will not increase property taxes.

A few years ago, I started volunteering at the library. I was, and still am, absolutely amazed by the number of people using it daily. They are reading magazines and newspapers, using computers or Wi-Fi, doing research, studying, tutoring, viewing exhibits, taking part in programs, or just checking out books, movies or other material. The library is a busy, vibrant community hub for all ages.

It is important that we move ahead and continue offering all of these services for our children and future generations in this wonderfully historic setting. The future is now.

Have questions? Not convinced? Stop by and get a first-hand look at the plans and the third floor. The staff will be happy to give you a tour and answer your questions.

A yes vote is a vote for the future.

Pat Cheney


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