I plan to attend the walk along Old Bath Road to Brunswick Landing on Saturday, Aug. 25, to protest the Thunderbirds air show, and I hope many of you will join. The walk leaves from the Chamberlain monument at 9 a.m.

Air shows are noisy, dangerous, polluting, and militaristic. Many solo performers other than the Air Force will be flying low over our homes and neighborhoods. In case you have forgotten, last year’s Reno, Nev., airshow ended in the deaths of 11 spectators.

If safety doesn’t concern you, I hope the air pollution, wasted fuel, and militarism will. The pollution contributes to global warming. The fuel costs contribute to our tax bills. The militarism glorifies military prowess to our kids and grandkids. Can’t we do better in a state with hundreds of families who will be cold next winter and are hungry now? Can’t we promote something better than violence to the next generation?

Join us walking on Saturday, Aug. 25, to say no to this folly.

Sue Stableford

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