The Red Cross conducted the largest blood drive in the history of Maine on Dec. 30, 2010, at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland. Because of the holidays and snow storms, blood supplies are low at all Maine hospitals. These conditions called for desperate measures by the Red Cross, and Fairpoint rose to the occasion with gifts for the donors.

You would think that the leadership in Falmouth town government would have put out a notice on their various websites that not only were they part of the get-out-the-notice-drive but also would personally lead the drive by donating themselves. One would expect, under the current statewide shortage of blood, members of the Town Council, School Board and highly paid town staff would be the first in line at the blood drive.

Sadly none of this took place because they were too busy doing things that didn’t include helping people in potentially life-or-death situations. Only one out of 17 leaders donated, Chris Murry Jr. Where are our leaders?

Michael Doyle

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