A recent study identified 9,000 Maine seniors who lack access to  safe, affordable homes. Brunswick Housing provides 193 senior apartments. However, another 292 seniors are on a waiting list to get an apartment. The story is similar in Bath, where Bath Housing has 137 senior apartments and 105 seniors waiting for a vacancy. Thousands of Maine seniors, after a lifetime of hard work, are wondering how they can afford to pay their mortgage and maintain their home.

On Nov. 3, Maine voters can support Question 2, a $15 million senior affordable housing bond. The bonds will leverage more than $20 million in private investment to construct 225 new safe, efficient, and affordable homes. Municipalities will benefit because all new homes will pay property taxes.

As importantly, a portion of the bond will be devoted to home repair and weatherization, allowing other seniors to remain in their own homes. Those improvements will delay or prevent the transfer of residents to other more expensive care.

John Hodge, Brunswick Housing
Debora Keller, Bath Housing 

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