We own a home on the Kennebec River in Woolwich and our decision to make a significant investment here was influenced by the historic nature and charming aesthetics of Bath, beautiful nearby beaches, as well as proximity to other towns for easy day trips.

In spite of all these positives, we’ve always considered one area an eyesore which we had hoped would be addressed and improved at some point. I refer to the rusty, bent, unkempt stretch of chain link fencing on Route 1 from the “welcoming” Bath sign south of town to the Bath viaduct.

Our first thought driving through this area was, “why don’t they do something with (i.e., remove) this ugly fence?” It is hardly an appealing introduction to an otherwise quaint and beautiful town and waterfront. When we saw the new Marriott Suites being built, we hoped that a condition to Marriott investing in the area would be that the town would do something to improve the adjacent vicinity. The fence is most likely to deter pedestrians from crossing Route 1, but in actuality, how much foot traffic is there in this area? Those that might need to cross occasionally can use the bridges as they must now do. The plans for the waterfront area sound exciting and may bring more people in to enjoy the town. Why not give a more pleasing first impression and less institutional-looking approach to visitors, and another reason for residents to love everything about our town?

Sandy Woodcock

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