Whatever one thinks about the educational virtues or drawbacks of a virtual school, one cannot but wonder if the recent decision to establish the Maine Connections Academy is a legitimate investment of taxpayers’ money.

As noted in your article of March 16 (“Multinational giant set to run first virtual school in Maine”), Connections Education LLC, the organization providing all the support for the supposedly nonprofit Maine Connections Academy, is a subsidiary of Pearson PLC, a for-profit multinational corporation, where, according to Pearson’s online list of education salaries, the average salary is $84,600 and the top salary is $683,000.

Is it appropriate for the state to be, in effect, “subsidizing” such a for-profit company instead of investing in its public schools?

As a taxpayer and former teacher, I would rather contribute to the improvement of our public schools and to the salaries of their teachers.

Janet Kehl


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