In June, Maine voters blocked the state Legislature’s attempt to repeal ranked-choice voting.

While the statewide results showed a resounding victory, support in the readership area of The Forecaster was especially strong. Voters in these mostly coastal towns in Cumberland and Sagadahoc Counties supported ranked-choice voting 65 percent to 35 percent.

That level of support is unambiguous: voters here want more voice in our elections. We’ve had enough of voting strategically in order block the candidate we like least, foregoing a vote for the candidate we like most. We’re also tired of campaigns that are a race to the bottom; now candidates have a stronger disincentive to engage in personal attacks.

Because we made such a major step forward in June, Maine voters will continue to use ranked-choice voting in future June primary elections for governor, the Legislature and the U.S. Congress. In November general elections, Maine voters will also be able to rank our votes for candidates to Congress.

However, November elections for governor and the legislature will not use ranked-choice voting until our legislators send us for ratification an amendment to the Maine Constitution.

This election season, remember to tell legislative candidates to send us an amendment to approve, and remember to rank your votes for Congress.

Benjamin Dudley

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