As columnist Sen. David Dutremble writes: “School grades don’t paint a complete picture.” But then, neither does Mr. Dutremble. Of the “many components that contribute to a school,” he very conveniently fails to mention government.

It couldn’t possibly be government that has caused the terrible nosedive of American public education, now could it? Engineer that I am, I rely on facts, logic and analysis in the problem-solving process. Ever since the creation of the Department of Education, the quality of public education has degenerated. It is now so bad, we are 13th out of 14 developed countries. 

Yes, there is a cause and and effect. His final words are prophetic: “we owe it to them to focus on what works.” What works is parents controlling schools completely at the local level.

What works is getting big government out of the school-controlling business altogether. Can Dutremble handle the private enterprise/local control method or does he want more big government interference?

Frank Novotny, Biddeford

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