Garden anytime, anywhere with modular growing kit

Now you can garden anywhere and anytime, thanks to the new MiniGarden modular growing system.

Perfect for urban dwellers and suburbanites alike, MiniGarden’s system of modules creates a self-contained vertical structure for vegetables, herbs, flowers or houseplants. It comes from EarthBox, which makes self-watering patio container gardens.

The MiniGarden system can be installed indoors for kitchen use or outside on patios, porches and decks. A MiniGarden can even be used to create a rooftop garden, or the modules can be used on and around fences or used as modern window boxes.

Each MiniGarden kit includes three modules, each of which has three planting pockets, so each kit can hold a total of nine plants. Each module can be stacked and/or connected to additional modules, both horizontally and vertically.

Included in the kit are container lids, water-collecting tray (which is placed on the bottom) and clips used to connect the growing modules.


The MiniGarden sells for $64.99 at

‘Kitchen Gardener’ book practical and full of heart

“The Kitchen Gardener’s Handbook” (Timber Press, $22.95) supplies a four-season spin through the kitchen garden, full of plant notes and recipes and dreamy photos of fresh-from-the-garden bouquets. You’ll find sustainable garden plans, sketches and plant lists, so you can dig along with author Jennifer R. Bartley. In turns, Bartley considers the vegetables, fruits, greens and herbs. Best of all, this is a book pulsing with the belief that we are richer for our connection to the patch of earth outside our kitchen door — whether it’s food we bring to our table or the beauty we tuck in a vase.

— From staff and news services


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