Young School kindergarten teacher Margaret Gregoire and other teachers waved to students on June 5 who with their families drove by the Saco school to see their teachers one last time as they celebrated the end of the school year. Dina Mendros photo

Students and their parents slowly cruised in cars and minivans up Tasker Street in Saco on Friday, June 5 passing Young School. Some held signs

Young School kindergarten teacher Sophia Dubois and her daughters Izobella and Elizabeth greet students and their families as they drive by the Saco school June 5 as they celebrate the end of the school year. Dina Mendros photo

and others just waved as their passed teachers, staff and administrators lined up on the the street. Some dressed up and many held up signs wishing students a happy summer. The parade was a to celebrate the end of the school year and it was the first time most teachers and students saw each other face-to-face, albeit at a safe distance away, since Young School closed its doors to students in March and they began distance learning as a result of restrictions put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Young school students and their families drive by the Saco School June 5, waving to teachers as they celebrate the end of the school year. Dina Mendros photo

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