Our Lady of Hope Parish will hold a drive-thru lobster roll dinner after the 4:30 p.m. Mass at St. Pius X Church (approximately 5:30 p.m.) Saturday at 492 Ocean Ave.

The meal will include a lobster roll, coleslaw, potato chips and a cookie. Each meal is $15 per person, with all proceeds benefiting Our Lady of Hope Parish.

All orders must be prepaid to ensure an accurate count and no cash will be accepted on the day of the dinner due to virus precautions.

To participate, call Paul LeBlond at 253-9856 or Andy Litcher at 653-5356 to reserve meals. Then, pay for your meals by dropping a check (made out to Our Lady of Hope Parish) in the church basket; mail your payment to the parish office at 673 Stevens Ave., Portland, ME 04103-2640; or pay online at the parish’s WeShare site (https://ourladyofhopeportland.weshareonline.org/).

All orders need to be placed Tuesday, Sept. 22.


For more details, cll the parish at 797-7026.


The First Congregational Church of Scarborough will offer its 4th annual public dinner, catered by Moe’s Original Bar-B-Q, from 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesday at 167 Black Point Road.

Due to the pandemic, this year’s event will be held on an all takeout basis; there will no inside dining.

Vehicles will be directed inside the church parking lot. Payment will be made in cash only. Cost is $10 for all meals, a price reduction since no desserts or beverages will be offered. Meals will then be handed to an occupant (please wear a mask) of the vehicle.

Meals will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis until food runs out.


The meal will include pulled pork, chicken, baked beans, cornbread, potato salad and cucumber/tomato salad.

The dinner is a fundraiser sponsored by the church’s Men’s Fellowship.


John Demos, an archivist for the Counting House Museum in South Berwick, will present an encore talk at 7:30 p.m. Thursday Sept. 24 detailing his research on the Gray family history at South Berwick. The presentation will be online.

Learn about the discovery of a 17th-century Scottish homestead location and a 19th-century sawmill site. Participants will sign up on the Old Berwick Historical Society’s home page, and receive an email two days before the lecture for the presentation link. The talk is free for members, suggested $5 donation for nonmembers.

For more details, call 384-0000 or go to www.oldberwick.org.



Dusk settles early in late September and so Walk Around Wiscasset invites strollers to help light up the Village. ‘You be the Light’ is the evening’s theme with participants carrying – or wearing – lights! Only two days after the Autumnal Equinox, the final Walk Around Wiscasset, set for 5 to 6:30 p.m., becomes a communal farewell to summer and a hearty welcome to autumn.

‘Accessorize!’ is the final fashion theme for the Walk Around season. Participants are reminded to wear masks, keep a safe distance and avoid congregating.

To see highlights from Walk Around Wiscasset, visit www.wiscassetartwalk.org . For Wiscasset Art Walk information, please contact Lucia Droby at ludroby@verizon.net.


Peter Allen & Hurricane Mountain will perform the final show of the summer at the Denmark Arts Center at the Drive-In LIVE Music Series, set for 1 p.m. Sunday at the Bridgton Twin Drive-In, located at 383 Portland Road, Bridgton.


Allen, a local country artist, returns to his hometown with the band, comprised of musicians Frank Coffin on bass guitar and vocals, Tedd Hamilton on lead guitar, harmonica and vocals, Rick McAlister on drums and Chris Floyd on lead guitar and vocals.

Hurricane Mountain lineup is comfortable classic, contemporary and outlaw country, with a little classic rock, blues and swing. Even though traditional country is where Peter Allen excels as evidence by his recent Maine Country Music Association award of Male Country Vocalist of the year, he encourages the band to stretch out and play many styles.

Bring your picnic lunch or order online with Standard Gastro Pub for a box lunch to go and a special discount for event-goers.

Cost is $50 per carload of five. Gate opens at noon. To purchase tickets or for more details, go to www.DenmarkArts.org/event.


The Beth C. Wright Cancer Resource Center will begin a six-week ‘LiveWell: Health & Wellness’ series online starting Friday via Zoom. The program takes a holistic approach to create a personal wellness plan focusing on emotional and spiritual wellness, physical activity, healthy diet, personal environment and rejuvenation.


The program offers the opportunity for people living with cancer to achieve better treatment outcomes and to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. This series is also open to those without cancer, who wish to reduce their cancer risk and lead a healthy lifestyle.

This series will meet from 10 to 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday, including varied topics, to be covered in-depth, with guest speakers offering insight, and related activities to be introduced.

This Friday’s session is “Introduction to LiveWell, Five to Thrive & Thriving After Cancer.” Upcoming topics include: Enhance Your Spirit, Sept. 30; Let’s Move, Oct. 7; Enrich Your Diet, Oct. 14; Create a Healthy Living Environment, Oct. 21; and “Create Rejuvenation,” Oct. 28.

Carla Tanguay, a nationally board-certified music therapist with over 17 years of experience in healthcare organizations, will lead the program.

To register, call 664-0339 or email info@bethwrightcancercenter.org.

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