During my eight years in the Maine Legislature, I observed many nice people with such a strong allegiance to their political party that they, sadly, ignored the people whom they served.

Sara Rivard, a chiropractor, is a candidate for Maine Senate District 30 (Gorham, parts of Scarborough and Buxton) and she is one of those rare individuals who listens. Chiropractors know that restoring health means to care for the whole person, not just treat isolated symptoms. Similarly, our government needs a thorough examination; 40 years of one party control has blocked out many important ideas.

It’s time for elected officials to represent the people. It’s time to respect the oath of office and uphold the Constitution. It’s time to change the highly charged political climate and focus on Maine’s needs.

For these reasons, I’m voting for Dr. Sara Rivard for the Maine Senate on Nov. 3.

Hon. Heather Sirocki

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