Nathan Delmar, Maranacook sophomore: Class B slalom champion who also placed eighth in slalom to help Maranacook defend its Alpine and overall state titles.

Ethan Harriman, Maranacook senior: Won the Class B classical championship and placed second in freestyle to help Black Bears win Nordic and overall state titles.

John Lane, Yarmouth sophomore: Won the Class B freestyle championship and placed third in classical. Fastest skate time in WMC championships led to third in pursuit.

Tom Lesniak, Falmouth junior: Won the Class A slalom championship and placed fourth in giant slalom. The top qualifier from Maine for Eastern High School Championships.

Gabe Mahoney, Falmouth senior: Class A classical champion by more than a minute and freestyle champ by half a minute to help Falmouth win a fourth straight Nordic state title.

Forrest McCurdy, Merriconeag junior: Won both the Class C classical and freestyle races by more than half a minute to lead Merriconeag to a third straight Nordic state title.


Nick Newman, Mountain Valley sophomore: Won the Class C slalom and giant slalom championships by wide margins to help the Falcons win the Alpine state title.

Curtis Paradis, Biddeford senior: Class A giant slalom champion who also won SMAA slalom and giant slalom titles. Top Maine finisher in slalom and giant slalom at Easterns.

Miles Pelletier, Mt. Blue sophomore: Two-time Class A skimeister champion who placed 24th in classical, 19th in freestyle, 16th in slalom and 21st in giant slalom.

Tucker Pierce, Merriconeag sophomore: Runner-up to teammate McCurdy in both freestyle and classical races to help Merriconeag win third straight Class C Nordic title.

Bryce Smith, Presque Isle junior: Won the Class B giant slalom championship and placed fourth in slalom to help Wildcats finish fourth in Alpine and overall.

Conner Woods, Mountain Valley senior: Three-time Class C skimeister who placed 10th in slalom, 11th in giant slalom, 15th in classical and 19th in freestyle.

Coach of the Year

Mark Cyr, Mt. Blue: The Cougars won their second straight Class A Alpine title (and ninth overall title in Cyr’s 11 years as head of the Alpine program) by buying in to the team concept Cyr preaches. “I take my hat off to the seven boys who raced,” he said. “It wasn’t about self-glorification and getting up on the podium, it was to make sure the team did well. Even though you’re out on the course yourself, it’s still a team event.”

– Glenn Jordan

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