I am a 74-year-old retiree who owned his own pharmacy in Portland for 33 years.

During those years, the pharmacy was very successful and my income was substantial. I never had a problem paying Maine income tax and, in fact, felt blessed to have a good income. Never did I consider moving my business out of state.

Now that I have retired, I live comfortably on Social Security and 401(k)s. I do have a problem with Gov. LePage’s plan to gradually eliminate the income tax.

I don’t think Maine residents move out of state because of the income tax. I think they move because of weather and also the opportunity for a better job. Gov. LePage is not going to be able to change either reason. Maine will never have Florida’s weather, nor will our state ever be highly industrialized.

If the income tax is eliminated or reduced, other taxes must be instituted in replacement.

I am not in favor of establishing taxes on any services or leisure activities that are not currently taxed. That kind of taxation is not senior citizen-friendly.

I’m hoping that for this reason (and many others) that seniors will figure out whether Gov. LePage is our friend or not and that each individual will make their decision before Gov. LePage becomes Sen. LePage.

Doug Moreshead

Cumberland Center

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