Get your mask, get your vaccine, get your freedom back

So we are two years into a pandemic and we still have individuals who apparently are just incapable of understanding what is going on, no matter what. An example of that was a recent letter to the editor titled “Brunswick council should reject mask mandate.”

This commenter gave the example of how mask mandates, in their mind, do not make sense in a restaurant. You can take it off while you eat, alone or with others at your table, but are required to put it on at all other times including going to the restroom.

First of all, the act of going out in any public setting right now carries a high degree of risk in and of itself. Second, if one was responsible, you would make sure anyone at your table was totally vaccinated and had been tested recently. Lastly, leaving that somewhat controllable situation to go to the bathroom potentially exposes you to anyone who passes by you on the way, or who is in the bathroom at the same time or who recently exited. It is all about minimizing “risk”! When will we learn?

As with all these misguided statements, their bottom line seems to be that everyone should have the “freedom” to wear a mask or not….the freedom to get the virus and suffer the consequences or not….the freedom to get the virus and pass it on to someone else or not…..the freedom to add to the burden of our over-stressed health system or not.

The sooner we put this “freedom” on temporary hold for the good of our society and country, get our vaccinations and wear our masks, the sooner we will get it back. That makes a whole lot of “sense”!


This is the anniversary of January 6. Having to wear a mask to protect each other is way more tolerable than living with a demagogue under a dictatorship. Loss of our Democracy is a freedom we should definitely not tolerate and all should be very worried about. Wearing a mask….not so much.

Jeffrey Runyon,

The facts about the Jan. 6 insurrection are clear

I can sympathize with John Andrews (R-Paris) and the other 49 out of 54 Maine House republicans who on 1/6/22 voted against a joint Maine Senate and House resolution honoring the “brave men and women serving in law enforcement” who battled the “insurgents” on 1/6/21.
“I don’t have all the facts,” Andrews said.

I can understand this explanation. Sometimes recent events are only understood through the lens of time. I wonder if enough time has passed for Mr. Andrews to sign my resolution honoring the “brave men” who defended Fort Sumter against “insurgent” forces on April 12-14th 1861. It’s been over 150 years and maybe just enough smoke has cleared.

Or maybe Mr. Andrews and other Republicans have poor television reception where they live. Maybe they just saw a blurry video and couldn’t quite make out — through the sea of MAGA hats — the insurgents beating police officers with American flagpoles. Couldn’t quite see the hooded figure searching the Capitol with zip ties in his hand. It was quite clear those facts were happening on my television screen, but I have a good cable plan.


Here is some advice about wanting “facts, sir, nothing but facts” as Mr. Gradgrind exhorts in Charles Dickens’ “Hard Times.” Before you want facts, you should want to accept the facts that you’ll uncover. If you don’t, then really all you want to find are the “facts” that match the lies in your head and the treason in your heart.

Gregory Greenleaf,

Keeping bridge puts safety at risk

I fully support the Friends of the Frank J. Wood Bridge in their efforts to save the bridge. However, in saying that, I support them ripping it out and putting it somewhere as a tourist attraction, rather than risk any lives, any money and more time trying to save what is beyond repair. It was never designed to handle the volume or the weight of that traffic that it is asked to handle today.

Wayne D. Ellliot,
West Bath

Support for Brunswick homeless shelter project


I am writing in support of the Tedford Housing Project which is being presented on January 11 to the Brunswick Town Planning Board for approval.

The director of Tedford Housing, Rota Knott wrote an excellent article in support of the project which appeared in The Times Record edition of Dec. 31.

My husband and I support having the project built on the proposed property on the Thomas Point Road location. We believe that every individual needs the opportunity for a safe place to live every day, no matter what their circumstances are. We live near the location and believe it is in an area that is good for access to local stores, the hospital and transportation.

On a personal note, while my husband was a volunteer at MCHPP and worked closely with the guests, he had many opportunities to visit with Russell who unfortunately died in Brunswick under the railroad bridge as a homeless man. Such a situation is unacceptable, and we as responsible, caring community members need to support a project such as Tedford Housing is planning.

Nancy D. Bliss

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