Secretary of State Shenna Bellows with St. John’s third grader Sadie, the winner of the Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Program, on June 1. Courtesy of St. John’s Catholic School

On June 1, third graders from St. John’s Catholic School in Brunswick went to the State House to watch one of their fellow classmates, Sadie, be honored.

The winning poster in the Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Program, created by St. John’s third grader Sadie. Courtesy of St. John’s Catholic School

“Sadie was the first-place winner for grades K-3 in the Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Program,” said Shelly Wheeler, principal of St. John’s. “They were joined by Secretary of State Shenna Bellows and State Rep. Ed Polewarczyk.”

The Maine Constitution Essay and Poster Program is designed to promote the history of Maine, the Maine Constitution and the importance of democracy and voting. This program is open to Maine students at all grade levels. Close to 300 entries were received with the children in Sadie’s group tasked to draw posters of official Maine symbols.

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