Age Friendly South Portland is undertaking a number of initiatives this winter.

SoPo Age Friendly Rides is a new program open to income-eligible seniors and adults with visual impairments. Participants can receive free rides for Portland-area visits to doctors and dentists and for eye exams and therapy sessions. To apply, call the South Portland General Assistance offices at 767-7617.

Sand Buckets for Seniors returns this winter for those 65 and older with mobility challenges. Those seniors can receive a 5-gallon bucket of sand and salt mix delivered to their homes for steps and walkway maintenance. To order a sand bucket, call the Public Works office at 767-7635 or email the department at

Age Friendly South Portland is also seeking volunteers to shovel and clear walkways for seniors this winter. Anyone 14 and older can apply to be a volunteer, though minors must be accompanied by a “primary volunteer” who is at least 18. Volunteers will be matched with a nearby senior who has requested assistance. To volunteer or receive more information, visit or contact Sue Henderson at

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