William Penn wrote: Only those can criticize who also have a heart to help. The rest is cruelty, not justice. What an apt description of the public persona of Donald Trump.

Trump’s rhetoric is a constant stream of self-pitying complaints, self-aggrandizing fantasies and caustic critiques of anyone who does not demonstrate total loyalty to him. No hint of a “heart to help.”

Trump has led a privileged life and escaped accountability at every stage. As a result, he speaks with relentless cruelty and scorn toward his critics and adversaries. Large portions of his endless diatribes are actually psychological projections attributing to others the very faults and misdeeds that he himself is guilty of: election “rigging,” disrespect for democratic norms and violations of basic human decency.

Remember Trump’s talk in the “Hollywood Access” tapes, when he felt entitled to sexually assault any woman — married or not — that he took a fancy to.

The time is long past to make the Trump who thinks that he can do anything — especially to women — fully accountable for his misdeeds and his cruelty. He has no redeeming “heart to help,” only self-centered promotion of his power and his domination of others.

For countless reasons, we cannot afford to have Donald Trump re-elected as president.

James Matlack

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