In his July 30 opening salvo to discredit the gubernatorial candidacy of Paul LePage, columnist Bill Nemitz peevishly implies that LePage is an adherent of “creationism.”

Grand Inquisitor Nemitz apparently stays awake at night worrying and praying that LePage will deviate from media-sanctified secularist doctrine and, God forbid, support the teaching of creationism in public schools, thereby identifying him as a religious nutcase. (That was also unjustly rumored about Sarah Palin. You betcha.)

Flunk Nemitz’s freedom-from-religion quiz and you’re political toast. Ace it and you’re eligible to be his poster boy or girl for governor.

LePage identifies himself as a Roman Catholic. Nemitz may be surprised to learn that Roman Catholics, including the late Pope John Paul II, have no problem accepting the theory of evolution.

As mayor of Waterville, has LePage advocated the teaching of creationism in public schools? Why waste a barrel of ink in pursuing this politically irrelevant issue? Put a sock in it, Mr. Nemitz.

Reflections: Thoroughout our nation’s history, the world view of many former presidents and other political leaders has been informed by the same biblical teachings now disparaged as “creationism.” Yet we have endured and prospered despite today’s Cassandras of the left.


In the words of the late renowned Christian apologist C.S. Lewis: “No philosophic theory which I have yet come across is a radical improvement on the words of Genesis that ‘In the beginning God made heaven and earth.’

The eminent British cosmologist Stephen Hawking has reached much the same conclusion. Perhaps Nemitz will have a better explanation — once his head stops spinning.

Incidentally, nice, flattering photo of LePage, too.

Walter J. Eno

After reading about recent statements made by Paul LePage, I decided to go online and read the 2010 state Republican platform. This is the listing telling the public the things they want to do while in office.

I was shocked at what I read. The most important thing listed that stood out to me was their stand that they believe in not just freedom of religion but they also do not believe in freedom from religion.


To me this is saying if they get control in Augusta we will have a totally Christian conservative agenda shoved down our throats. Notice the word conservative. I grew up in Oklahoma and Texas. I grew up with that kind of government and it’s the major reason I moved to Maine. I suggest people take a breath and go online and read the Republican platform.

I am not saying anything out of line. The Republican agenda is right there for all to see.

Tom Musser

Why is Paul LePage getting this dubious harangue about his character? Is it because he is Catholic, or because he is French? Or because the Democratic Party can’t face up to a Republican being accepted on his own merits?

I have seen too many good people unfairly destroyed by false accusations. When elections heat up, the witch hunt starts.

Marie C. Brown


With respect to the controversy concerning Paul LePage and creationism, it should be made clear that the Catholic Churchdoes not support creationism.

Rather, the Vatican believes that scientific research supports the Big Bang theory and human evolution, and these events are attributed to the “impetus and guidance of God.”

Lega Sammut Medcalf

I am supporting Paul LePage for governor. I believe he has the wisdom, compassion and the strength and courage of character to lead Maine through what I believe will be difficult times.

Some people are afraid of Paul LePage because of things they have heard or because they are dependent on business as usual in Augusta.

Please check out his website,, and read and hear his comments and his life experience.


When they get to know Mayor LePage, most people will find his commonsense conservative approach refreshing.

He is not a perfect man, but is right on the issues and has the correct priorities of reforming welfare, taxes and regulatory reform.

For people who think the way things have been done for the last 30 years are great, he is not your guy.

But if you think it is time to compassionately reform welfare, he is your candidate.

If you think it is time to help and welcome new or expanding business and reform regulations that are unnecessary, he is your candidate.

If you want a candidate who will bow down to unions or other special interests instead of doing what is good for the state of Maine, he is not your guy.


Isn’t it time to have a candidate who will consider the best interests Maine’s public and private workers and taxpayers as he makes difficult choices?

Tim Cyr

Gubernatorial hopeful Paul LePage must not have a lot of respect for the intelligence of Maine’s voters if he thinks he can simply invent a controversy and no one will bother to check the facts.

Portland Press Herald readers and all Mainers who care about reality and not empty words can thank Bill Nemitz for his insight which helped to shine light onto the recent untrue and contradictory statements made by Mr. LePage.

These are serious times and this state faces serious challenges that require strong, yet thoughtful and even-handed leadership.

We need a governor who can unite Mainers to address our shared problems.


Paul LePage, through his ham-handed attempts at fomenting ethnic and religious division among us for cheap political points, has made it crystal clear he is not the person who can bring those necessary qualities to the Blaine House.

Jeremy Smith
Old Orchard Beach

Regarding the Bill Nemitz column on Paul LePage: Mr. Nemitz takes issue with his comments, and various positions on issues.

Why pick only on Mr. LePage? What about Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc., etc.

If he wanted to be fair, Mr. Nemitz could and should write a whole series of articles on all politicians. He could have a field day with a mother lode of material.

They’re all guilty of that which Nemitz says LePage is guilty.


Welcome to the despicable world of politics.

Tom Hammermeister

What candidate for governor Paul LePage was quoted as saying in your story of July 25, “LePage conducts whistle-stop tour along midcoast,” was not “red meat,” as the paper said, but rather a surprising case of ageism.

With so many legitimate policy issues to discuss, why would anyone resort to age discrimination to garner support for their candidacy?

Discrimination of any kind is wrong, and referring to another candidate’s age and her birthday is just as wrong as telling folks they should not vote for candidates because they are of a particular race, religion or gender.

Maine and our nation have been served by vibrant public servants of many ages, including George Mitchell, who in his mid-70s worked to bring peace to the Middle East, and Margaret Chase Smith, who didn’t “go home” but instead kept representing us when she turned 70.

Let’s all stick to the issues and offer Maine voters of all ages something solid to base our votes on. Let’s not resort to discrimination of any kind.

Rena Heath
AARP volunteer


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