Although many see no ulterior motive in the anti-gun initiative to cause all gun transfers to get a National Instant Criminal Background Check, I can see several.

First, look at the out-of-state money from Michael Bloomberg that funded the signature gathering.

Second, look at the extra money one will have to pay for each such transfer: $40 to $60 at a dealer with a federal firearms license.

Third, each such inconvenience adds to the loss of freedom we once enjoyed as Americans under the Constitution.

As a born Yankee, I resent the implication that Bloomberg’s minions know better what is good for us Mainers. We are a gun-loving state, and our safety record shows we respect and know how to buy and sell to our relatives and friends without more government interference. Enough said!

The antis know they cannot get total gun confiscation passed as a complete package, so now they will work their freedom-destroying magic a little bit at a time and hope that no one sees its end result.


What they want is total gun registration as a step toward confiscation, hoping that no one sees the camel’s nose under the tent. The continued chipping away of our freedoms will eventually lead to registration and then confiscation.

I am turned off by flatlanders telling me how to run my life, especially when it is done on money from a know-it-all from New York City. One look at how crime-free New York is, is enough to tell me it’s a very bad idea.

George A. Fogg

North Yarmouth

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