As one who stood in front of my bedroom mirror one spring day in 1979, with a .357 Magnum revolver to my temple, I object to the attempts of the political left to hijack America’s problem with suicide to further their anti-gun agenda.

What are the causes of suicide? Guns do not cause someone to want to end their life. Seemingly insurmountable personal problems are, ultimately, the reason leading to suicide.

What took me to the brink was my wife leaving me. I did not think I could go on. I had no self-esteem. I thought no one loved me. “I did not matter,” I told myself.

Then, I thought of my two precious daughters; what would become of them?

Eventually, it began to dawn on me that there was more to life than just my immense pain.

If any reader is contemplating or even thinking about suicide, I would like to remind you that life is precious and there are resources available if you will just avail yourself of any church or professional counseling services, all of which can be found in the Yellow Pages.

Yes. There really are people who care and want to help you. Just make the call.

Dave Ricker


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