Waynflete School
Cum Laude

Elizabeth Berrang is the daughter of Dave and Nancy Berrang of Portland. Izzer has been on the Honor Roll throughout her four years in Upper School. She was a Waynflete Scholar her sophomore year. She has been a member of Safe Passage and the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the Waynflete Environmental Action Group, and served as an Admissions guide. Izzer played Varsity Girls Lacrosse for four years, being named co-captain this year, and last year she was named to the First Team All-Western Conference and was an Academic All-American. Izzer was co-captain of this yearâÂÂs Varsity Girls Soccer team, her fourth year as a player, and earned the CoachâÂÂs Award for her outstanding play. She was named an Academic All-American, a First Team All Conference, and was presented with a Western Maine Conference Sportsmanship award this year. She also received a Student Athlete Award this year. Izzer plans to attend Tufts University.

Elena Britos is the daugher of Cesar and Kathleen Britos of Portland. Elena has been a member of Global Spotlight for four years, the Racial Awareness at Waynflete activity for two years, and Raising Awareness and Providing Support group for two years. She has served as an Admissions guide and was part of the Buddy Lunch program, receiving a Community Service citation last year. Elena has been a member of the Poetry Group, served as a Chilean exchange student host, and was selected to participate in the South Korea Scholarship two-week immersion program in 2010. She has been a member of the WomenâÂÂs A Cappella group and performed in WaynfleteâÂÂs production of Footloose. She has played Girls Varsity Soccer for four years, was named captain this year, and was named to the Western Maine Conference Class C All-Conference team in 2009. She played on the Varsity Tennis team for the past two years, is captain this year, and played JV Girls Lacrosse for two years. Elena plans to attend Bowdoin College.

Matt Butler is the son of Pat and Patti Butler of Portland. He has been on the High Honors Roll for each of the past two years, and was the recipient of the Vergn Hewes Science Award and the Barbara Freeman English Department Award this year. He was elected to the Cum Laude Society as a junior, and was named a Waynflete Scholar for the past two years. Matt was nominated to attend the New England Young Writers Conference at Middlebury College last year. Matt has been an Admissions guide, a member of Student Government, the Parkside Fun and Buddy Lunch programs, and spent six weeks in China last summer. He received a Community Service citation in 2010, and has been a member of the Steel Drum group at Waynflete. He has played Varsity Lacrosse for four years, been on the Varsity Nordic Ski team for two years, being named Most Improved Player his first year and captain this year. He also played JV Soccer for three years. Matt plans to attend Middlebury College.

Olivia Chap is the daughter of Samrith and Nora Chap of South Portland. She has been on the Honor Roll for four years and has served as a Lower School tutor. Liv has been a member of Safe Passage, the Waynflete Environmental Action Group, Buddy Lunch, Global Spotlight, and has helped in the Admissions Office throughout her years in Upper School. She played Varsity Girls Lacrosse for three years, Varsity Girls Soccer for two, and Varsity Basketball her freshman year. She has also played JV Soccer and Lacrosse and was the recipient of a Sportsmanship Award this year. Liv plans to attend Connecticut College.

Anna Curtis-Heald is the daughter of David Heald and Sukie Curtis of Cumberland Foreside. She has been on the High Honors Roll for four years, and was the Junior Poet Laureate last year and the Senior Poet Laureate this year. She has been a member of Global Spotlight, Waynflete Environmental Action Group, Safe Passage, Project Story Boost and Parkside Fun, and has served as an Admissions guide. She received a Community Service citation this year. Anna was a member of the Waynflete Upper School Chorus, Yearbook, WomenâÂÂs A Cappella, two dramatic performances, Yoga, Dance, and the Poetry Group. She was a member of the Varsity Crew team for three years and the Varsity Cross Country team this year. Anna plans to attend Connecticut College.

Alex Friedland is the son of Paul Friedland and K. Page Herrlinger of Portland. He was elected to the Cum Laude Society as a junior, and was the recipient of the Josephine Detmer History Award this year. Alex was on the High Honors Roll his sophomore year, and was named a Waynflete Scholar last year. He was chair of the Portland Youth Advisory Council, a member of the Model United Nations, the Current Events Club, and spent two summers in North Africa learning to speak Arabic as part of the National Security Language Initiative Youth Program. Alex was also a member of the Science Olympiad and the Science Bowl teams. He has served as an Admissions guide, participated in Project Respect, and Buddy Lunch. He was a member of the MenâÂÂs A Cappella group, two dramatic performances, and Comedy Improv. Alex plans to attend Brown University.

Kieran Hanrahan is the son of Julie Dalphin of Cape Elizabeth and Carson Hanrahan of Portland. Kieran was elected to the Cum Laude Society as a junior, and was the recipient of the Vergn Hewes Science Award this year. He received the Irvil K. Pease Award this year, the Dow Cup English Department Award, and a Linguistic Excellence award. Kieran participated in Chewonki Semester, has been a member of Student Government, the Science Bowl and Science Olympiad, Amnesty International, the Model United Nations, Upper School Chorus, and was the founder of the Waynflete Do Stuff Club. He also participated in Varsity Cross Country and Track. Kieran plans to attend Reed College.

Madeline High is the daughter of Michael and Elizabeth High of Cumberland Foreside. Maddie was named a Waynflete Scholar for the past three years, was elected to the Cum Laude Society as a junior, and received the Barbara Freeman English Department Award this year. She has been an Admissions guide, a member of Global Spotlight, was Editor-In-Chief of the Waynflete Yearbook this year, as well as a Community Service citation. She is an accomplished pianist, and a member of the Next Generation Chamber Ensemble Program and the elite Musica de Filia Concert Choir. Maddie has been a member of the WomenâÂÂs A Cappella group, the Upper School Chorus, and had the female jlead role in Footloose. She was co-captain of the Varsity Cross Country team this year, as well as the Varsity Tennis team, and was named to the All-Star Tennis team for two years. Maddie plans to attend Brown University.

Elias Peirce is the son of Lincoln Peirce and Jessica Gandolf of Portland. He was the recipient of the Dow Cup English Department Award this year, has been on the High Honors Roll for the past four years, and was named a Waynflete Scholar last year. He has been a member of the Model United Nations, Mock Trial, Raising Awareness and Providing Support, the Do Stuff Club, the MenâÂÂs A Cappella group, and served as an Admissions guide. He received a Community Service citation last year. Elias played JV Soccer for three years, and has been a member of the Crew team for four years. Elias plans to attend Bowdoin College.

Hannah Rindlaub is the daughter of Curtis Rindlaub and Carol Cartier of Peaks Island. She received the Heather Brown Visual Arts Award this year and attended the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts last year. She has been a member of the Waynflete Environmental Action Group, the Community Service Activity, African Orphanage Awareness Activity, and Parkside Fun. Hannah performed in Footloose, and served as an Admissions guide. She played Varsity Lacrosse for four years, and was a member of the Varsity Cross Country team. Hannah plans to attend Occidental College.

Lydia Stegemann is the daughter of Thomas and Jane Stegemann of Falmouth. She has been a member of Global Spotlight, the Science Olympiad, and has volunteered at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen for four years. She received a Linguistic Excellence Award this year. She played Varsity Girls Basketball for four years, being named Most Improved Player last year, co-captain this year, and was Honorable Mention to the All-Conference Team last year. She played JV and Varsity Soccer, and was named to the All-Academic Team. Lydia plans to attend the University of New Hampshire Honors Program.

Joseph Veroneau is the son of Vincent and Nancy Veroneau of Portland. He was a member of Safe Passage, Buddy Lunch, African Orphanage Awareness, and has volunteered at the Preble Street Soup Kitchen. He received a Community Service citation last year. Joe has put together the Sports Night slide show for the past four years, and has served as an Admissions guide. He played Varsity Basketball for four years, ran Cross Country for four years, and played Varsity Lacrosse for four years. He has received a Four-Year Tri-Varsity Athlete Award as well. Joe plans to attend Boston College.

Annie Vogt is the daughter of John Vogt and Jane Makela of Falmouth. She has been on the High Honors Roll, the Honors Roll, was named a Waynflete Scholar last year, and received the Margaret Chenery Math Award this year. She was a participant in the Science Bowl this year. Annie has been a member of the WomenâÂÂs A Cappella group, and performed in Footloose and The Laramie Project. She played Varsity Field Hockey for four years. Annie plans to attend Hendrix College.
Omar Abdille
Sirus Ahmad
Noah Aronson
Elizabeth Berrang
Emily Bessette
Elena Britos
Charlotte Brooks
Gage Bulick
Matthew Butler
Erin Chang
Olivia Chap
Anna Curtis-Heald
Adam Cutler
Hannah Daly
Emma English
Alex Friedland
Tucker Geoffroy
Alexander Hadiaris
Scout Haffenreffer
William Hallett
Kieran Hanrahan
Stuart Hewitt
Madeline High
Marlowe Johnson
Henry Jorgensen
Daniella Kabongo
Owen Kahn
Elizabeth Lewis
Emma Longcope
MaryKate Meagher
Meghan Mette
Eliza Milliken
Mohamed Mohamud
Samuel Murphy
Samantha Oakland
Eric Ordway
Elias Peirce
Jaime Reagan
Lila Reid
Hannah Rindlaub
Emily Robinson
Thomas Ryan
Robert Schleicher Jr.
Andrew Silver
Lindsey Sinicki
Eli Sobel
Max Sobel
Christopher Spalding
Lindsey Spratt
Lydia Stegemann
Ayres Stockly
Tess Tacka
Cora Thaxton
Brandon Thompson
Mica Thompson
Pravina Truong
Lukas Tubby
Joseph Veroneau
Annie Vogt
Luke Wendland
Binta Wold
Dow Cup English Department Award
Kieran Hanrahan, Elias Peirce
Barbara Freeman English Department Award
Madeline High, Matt Butler
Josephine Detmer History Award
Alex Friedland, Mohamed Mohamud
Heather Brown Visual Arts Award
Eli Sobel, Hannah Rindlaub, Binta Wold
Performing Arts Awards
Charlotte Brooks, Lila Reid, Andrew Silver
Linguistic Excellence Award
Kieran Hanrahan, Lydia Stegemann
Literary/Cultural Appreciation Award
Pravina Truong
Margaret Chenery Math Award
Annie Vogt
Vergn Hewes Science Awards
Matt Butler, Kieran Hanrahan
Sportsmanship Awards
Alex Hadiaris, Tommy Ryan, Liv Chap, Lydia Stegemann
Student Athlete Awards
Tucker Geoffroy, Izzer Berrang
Four-Year Varsity Tri-Athletes
Eli Sobel, Max Sobel, Joe Veroneau
Irvil K. Pease Award
Kieran Hanrahan