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  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: ‘Never again!’ should not become new rallying cry

    The passionate demand for “more than prayers” in the wake of mass shootings makes me think things can – maybe even will – change. So I hesitate to note my concern with the use of “Never again!” as a rallying cry. Mass murder in our schools, churches, outdoor concerts and elsewhere is undeniably horrific. But […]

  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Brunswick church doing God’s work by finding housing for homeless family

    I got a chance to thank East Brunswick Baptist Church at a Town Council meeting March 19. We need more churches to do what this church did. A husband and wife who have five young daughters were homeless, but now they have a home due to this church. As a little girl age 5, I […]

  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Outsourcing DHHS Medicaid staff to out-of-state provider will cost Maine money, jobs

    A very disturbing change is under way in the operation of a division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. That division, called the Medical Review Team, consists of a dozen or so clerks and specialists who, along with physician and psychologist consultants, determine whether persons are eligible for MaineCare (Medicaid) on the […]

  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Keep our cars clean – boycott environmentally unfriendly vehicles

    To my horror, the Trump administration and the Environmental Protection Agency under Administrator Scott Pruitt are expected to roll back the Obama-era Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, which were developed to lessen the impact of climate change and reduce our country’s dependence on fossil fuels. I strongly disagree with this change. People who are in […]

  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Urge our two senators to keep Maine air healthy

    Maine is often called the “tailpipe of the nation.” Air pollution from around the country moves northeast and creates diriter air in Maine. This pollution increases health problems for Mainers, such as asthma, respiratory trouble and more unhealthy kids. The Clean Car standards have worked to alleviate the air pollution in Maine and around the […]

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  • Published
    April 7, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Vote to continue suit against MDOT

    I have read the studies, and this is what I know: The Maine Department of Transportation’s most recent traffic study, dated 1997, examined 17 alternatives to moving traffic through Wiscasset, including “Downtown Changes” (now called Options 1 and 2). A graph in the study titled “Reductions in Study Area Congestion” shows that three alternatives would […]

  • Published
    April 6, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Historic districts are not the way to go on Munjoy Hill

    They would curtail property rights and add to homeowner costs – plus the reasonable addition of modern structures is good for the neighborhood.

  • Published
    April 6, 2018

    Letter to the editor: There’s more than just architecture to preserve on Munjoy Hill

    Regarding historic districts and Munjoy Hill (“City considering new historic districts as answer to tensions on Munjoy Hill,” April 2, Page A1): Whose history are we trying to preserve? The main point of conflict in the area is housing, and perhaps views and open space. But urban planning and problem-solving also involve deciding whose history, […]

  • Published
    April 6, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Good plans already in the works for stabilizing Munjoy Hill housing

    The 2015 changes to Portland’s R-6 peninsula zoning were intended to promote affordable housing. Unfortunately, under so-called “densification” zoning, the unique characteristics of Munjoy Hill have been sacrificed in favor of high-end housing, mostly condominiums, often achieved by eliminating affordable rental units. Houses dating from the mid-1800s have been torn down. Not a single affordable […]

  • Published
    April 6, 2018

    Letter to the editor: Let’s teach ‘soft skills’ to kids the easy way – through more playtime!

    In his March 24 letter supporting proficiency-based learning, Peter Gore states that proficiency-based learning will prepare students with the soft skills that employers want. Should we be giving our taxpayer money to out-of-state organizations and consultants to implement an unproven education model to teach children soft skills? There is a better, well-proven way to ensure […]