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  • Published
    January 25, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Letter writer could prove his sincerity by volunteering to help immigrants

    A recent letter regarding immigrants (“Muslim immigrants must change to earn our trust,” Jan. 11) requires a response. The writer, Nick Pappas, states that immigrants must learn English, become self-sufficient and declare their allegiance to the U.S. He seems to be referring primarily to Muslims. Perhaps the writer is not aware of how difficult it […]

  • Published
    January 25, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Editorial supporting South Portland propane project dismisses real risk to environment

    I’m afraid you were only one for three in your Jan. 19 editorial. Yes, you were right to fault South Portland’s approval process for a propane distribution hub (“South Portland owes gas company a fair process”). Yet that focus on the process is way too shortsighted. You drastically underestimate the “duty to consider all legitimate […]

  • Published
    January 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Sanders offers only paths to prosperity

    I’d like “to make America great again” or, at the very least, make America function again. I urge you to consider Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ commitment to rejuvenating the American middle class. The “backbone” of our country. A place where, Sinatra once noted, “everyone gets a fair shake – and then some.” “Everyone” includes […]

  • Published
    January 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: LePage’s results far more telling than his goals

    I was concerned about the letter by Brian Jones (“Enough about Le- Page’s flaws; what about his goals?”) that appeared in the Jan. 17 Maine Sunday Telegram. Mr. Jones expressed strong feelings that the newspaper had not devoted enough time and space to reporting the governor’s goals. I would suggest that it might be more […]

  • Published
    January 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: We all know Dechaine’s story; now let’s find justice

    I am writing in response to the story “Even 27 years later, Dechaine supporters say fight is personal” (Page 1, Jan. 17). If believing in truth and believing in justice are “personal” values, then I guess it is a personal fight. I am a somewhat cynical believer in truth and justice, though cynicism is not […]

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  • Published
    January 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Iran’s capture of U.S. boats raises many questions

    As a former Navy enlisted and Navy officer, I am disappointed with the capture of our two riverine boats and crews by the Iranians in the Persian Gulf. I understand one of the boats had a navigation problem, either mechanical or human error, and it wandered into Iranian waters. But why couldn’t the other boat […]

  • Published
    January 24, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Police shirked duty to Wells recluse

    I fought back tears when I read about Lucie McNulty, the Wells woman who died in her home about 2½ years ago but whose decomposed body was discovered only recently. I thought: “How sad and how deplorable.” I refuse to accept the police department’s contention that “there wasn’t much we could do.” If there were […]

  • Published
    January 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Food waste bill offers a buffet of interesting solutions

    We applaud the Portland Press Herald’s endorsement of U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree’s Food Recovery Act (“Our View: Food we throw away could help solve hunger,” Jan. 4). This legislation will offer 21st century solutions to ebb the rising flow of wasted food in our country. Rep. Pingree’s bill offers practical solutions to achieve the U.S. […]

  • Published
    January 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: State DOT seems unkind responding to complaint

    Re: “Portland residents say brush-clearing project cleared way for rats” (Jan. 16): The story of the rats in Libbytown was disconcerting on several levels – not the least of which were the comments from the Maine Department of Transportation. For a state agency to cut down hundreds of trees throughout the city (and many more […]

  • Published
    January 23, 2016

    Letter to the editor: Derision of Obama is part of fight over health care reform

    Kevin Benjamin’s letter of Jan. 15, “One needn’t be a racist to find fault with president,” requires a correction. The term “Obamacare” was coined in 2007 by a health care lobbyist, then hijacked by Republicans as a means to push a campaign against a national health policy, which was a major issue in the early […]