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  • Published
    May 21, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Snowe disputes column’s contentions

    It is a commonly held notion that people are entitled to their own opinions, not their own facts. So I was surprised to read some critical misinformation in a recent opinion piece in your paper (Maine Voices, “Republicans’ energy more significant than state convention’s problems,” May 15). Firstly, the column states that I cast “the […]

  • Published
    May 20, 2012

    Letters to the editor: GOP convention followed all rules

    A strange thing happened on the way to the Maine GOP coliseum one recent weekend. On a cold and soggy Saturday morning, while we stood in line to enter the convention, the elderly couple in front of us turned out to be Democrats. These two septuagenarian Democrats were not there to sabotage the convention by […]

  • Published
    May 19, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Consider current staff for key city jobs

    More than $25,000 was spent on “consultant fees” to winnow the huge field of candidates for the position of Portland superintendent of schools to a mere three. Now we learn that the one candidate willing to be publicly identified has changed jobs three times in the past six years (“Forum introduces one of three finalists […]

  • Published
    May 18, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Williston-West unsuited for residences

    Two recent responses critical of your editorial favoring the Williston-West rezoning make arguments in favor of exclusively residential use based on examples of other churches and other locales. The representative churches presented are all very different from Williston-West. The buildings cited as returned to residential use by Maine Medical Center were all residential to begin […]

  • Published
    May 17, 2012

    Letters to the Editor: Reacting to gay-marriage announcement

    For the first time, a sitting president has "come out" for equality by supporting same-gender marriage. As the mother of a gay man, to have my president acknowledge my gay son was heartwarming and emotionally overwhelming . . .

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  • Published
    May 16, 2012

    Letters to the editor, May 16, 2012Plans for Congress Square Plaza promote discussion

    Great design never comes easily – it takes hard work, imagination, willingness to take chances and the right context! Congress Square Plaza may be that location. Consider: a single-story ballroom facility with an accessible, planted public plaza on its roof. There are many examples of this in this country. One of the first was the […]

  • Published
    May 15, 2012

    Letters to the editor, May 15, 2012Coverage may have weakened safety

    A few weeks ago, it was reported that Lebanon’s public safety frequency had been illegally jammed to the extent that it was preventing emergency calls from going through, which obviously is a big problem. When I say “reported,” I mean in a big way. It was front-page news in three weekly and two daily newspapers […]

  • Published
    May 14, 2012

    Letters to the editor: MaineCare cuts punish immigrants

    In the African community in Portland, asylum seekers don’t understand why their MaineCare card no longer covers a visit to the doctor. It did up until last October (if they met all of the other MaineCare eligibility rules). Only now, it doesn’t cover asylum seekers or people who have been here less than five years. […]

  • Published
    May 13, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Wind power isn’t the answer

    In an April 15 editorial (“PUC made right call on wind power investment”), the Maine Sunday Telegram states: “From an environmental perspective, the benefits of expanding wind generation are worth the visual impact.” Environmentally, industrial wind has yet to prove any of its claims. No scientific evidence exists to prove the environmental benefits of industrial […]

  • Published
    May 12, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Readers divided over parking fee hikes

    I applaud the city manager’s proposal to increase parking fees because, contrary to the opinions stressed in the article, higher parking rates are good for business (“Portland merchants cry foul over parking fees,” May 9). Retail spending is often higher in walkable areas. This fact is borne out by looking at retail rents in Portland. […]