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  • Published
    January 2, 2013

    Letters to the Editor: Wind power critic overlooks facts

    I strongly disagree with the letter “Wind power blight ruins search for peace in Maine” (Dec. 11). Like its writer, I’m native to Maine. I’ve lived my entire 16 years here. However, I disagree that wind turbines have a negative effect on Maine. Unlike oil or coal, wind power is a clean, renewable energy source. […]

  • Published
    January 1, 2013

    Letters to the editor: Revised mining laws could hurt Maine

    In regards to the Portland Press Herald story “Council: Mining rules contractor ‘misrepresented’ credentials” (Dec. 14), I wanted to add some background and other information. One of the biggest environmental rollbacks passed by the state Legislature last session was a complete rewrite of Maine’s mineral mining laws. Despite best efforts to improve the bill in […]

  • Published
    December 31, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Higher taxes for rich not ‘theft’

    William Vaughan of Chebeague Island states that the argument for higher taxes on higher incomes amounts to endorsing theft (“Argument for higher taxes amounts to endorsing theft,” Dec. 24). I believe that Mr. Vaughan, possessor of a Ph.D., should have opened whatever dictionary he owns before commencing his writing. He uses “theft” and “stealing” interchangeably, […]

  • Published
    December 30, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Thoughts on Newtown, guns

    Much is being said and written about the catastrophe at Newtown. The call for solutions is loud and heartfelt. The right solution begs for identifying the right cause.   The purpose of this letter is to share with readers the view that our problem is the result, not of a single cause, but of a […]

  • Published
    December 29, 2012
    William Spengler

    Letters to the editor: Headline focused on gun, not deed

    A man who beat his grandmother to death with a hammer murders again after serving a scant 17 years in prison, and the Press Herald trumpets the news that he chose the same weapon used in the Newtown massacre (“Similar guns used in N.Y., Conn. killings,” Dec. 26). Why not: “Convicted killer kills again”? The […]

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  • Published
    December 28, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Arming our teachers: Two views

    The slaughter at Sandy Hook Elementary stunned the nation. Now that there is time for rational thought, it’s being buried under a sea of emotional reporting and political agendas. We hear everything about the grieving relatives, but little about exactly what happened or why. Those answers will take time, time for thought certain parties don’t […]

  • Published
    December 27, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Lawmakers fail to meet expectations

    A reader believes the U.S. is in 'dire need' of a strong third party.

  • Published
    December 26, 2012

    Letter to the editor: Let sun, not shale gas, warm our homes

    I can think of nothing worse than the passage of Rep. Kenneth Fredette’s “bold bill” to bring natural gas to Maine from the Marcellus shale formation in Pennsylvania (“Bold idea aims to slash Maine’s power bills,” Dec. 20). Cheap natural gas once seemed like a reasonable solution to our energy needs. Gas may be cleaner-burning […]

  • Published
    December 25, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Readers weigh ways to stop violence

    As a mother, grandmother and teacher, I have experienced with great sorrow and empathy the tragedy at Sandy Hook school. It is the worst possibility for a teacher to lose the ability to protect the children in his or her care. I am grateful that our leaders are discussing the need to regulate semi-automatic weapons […]

  • Published
    December 24, 2012

    Letters to the Editor: Many fishermen support closed areas

    I want to thank the Portland Press Herald for running the story “Feds urged to open five zones now closed to groundfishing” (Dec. 16). The groundfish industry is indeed facing unprecedented adversity, but I want to clarify that not all fishermen believe closed areas are a failed experiment. The New England groundfish fishery has been […]