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  • Published
    June 5, 2012

    Letters to the editor, June 5, 2012Numbers of homeless climbing

    Make no mistake about it, homelessness in Maine is on the rise. Continued cuts to MaineCare and General Assistance programs mean only one thing: more people on the streets of our communities. Here in Portland, the streets are exactly where people will end up; we simply don’t have room in our shelters for any more […]

  • Published
    June 4, 2012

    Letters to the editorEast-West Highway plan opposed

    I was heartened to see an article on the East-West corridor in the Maine Sunday Telegram (“East-West Highway: Answer or albatross?” May 27). Finally, we are given a few words in print on the debate about a project that could define the future of Maine. Should Maine tie itself to a failed economic model that […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Letters to the editor

    Movement targets voting rights

  • Published
    June 2, 2012

    Letters to the editorWill next big bailout be for graduates?

    I entirely agree with Rebecca Krier’s comments regarding college costs (Another View, “Real college debt crisis problem is the price, not the loan rates,” May 12). My wife and I are helping with the college costs for two grandchildren, so we have first-hand knowledge of obscenely high college costs. We taxpayers and college alumni have […]

  • Published
    June 1, 2012

    Letters to the editorOceans threatened by plastic pollution

    Unfortunately, throwing things away isn’t always the best decision for you or planet Earth. Nowadays things are made cheaper because of our growing population and our high demand for certain kinds of products. Petroleum-based materials have taken over, and we continue to use them as a growing world. However, plastic is not such a bad […]

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  • Published
    May 30, 2012

    Letters to the editor, May 30, 2012Bring back limits on banks’ activities

    This is written from the perspective of 40 years in bank fiduciary activities, the last 13 years of which were occupied by compliance and fiduciary risk management functions. The editorial of May 17 (Another View, “JPMorgan Chase losses a timely reminder”) is on point up to a point. The activities and losses sustained by Chase’s […]

  • Published
    May 29, 2012

    Letters to the editor, May 29, 2012Take steps to prevent drinking deaths

    I am compelled to write in response to the tragic death of Nathan Bihlmaier. First and foremost, my sincere condolences to his family and friends. I truly do understand your pain. You see, five years ago, I lost my 22-year-old son. After a night of drinking in the Old Port, he died from a severe […]

  • Published
    May 28, 2012

    Letters to the editor, May 28, 2012Those who served sacrificed for all of us

    Everyone should ask themselves: “What does Memorial Day mean to me?” To some who haven’t lost a loved one in war, if there are still any left, it’s time to enjoy a three-day weekend, thanks to Lord knows who decided to change the original memorial date of May 30 and reschedule it to fall on […]

  • Published
    May 27, 2012

    Letters to the editor

    Plum Creek won't create jobs

  • Published
    May 26, 2012

    Letters to the editor

    Same-sex marriage debate goes on