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  • Published
    October 28, 2012
    Barack Obama

    Letters to the Editor: Obama fights to keep jobs in U.S.

    President Obama is the first of either party to self-initiate a trade case against China and its lawless trade policies. This is the way forward! The president self-initiating a trade case allows us to fight for our manufacturing jobs here in the United States before they are shipped overseas. Make no mistake, we are in […]

  • Published
    October 27, 2012

    Letters to the Editor: Summers backs ‘principles of liberty’

    We are in the midst of an ideological battle over how the country should be governed: liberty and freedom versus government control and dependency. I believe in the principles that made our country the greatest in the world, and I believe that those principles are what separate and define us as a nation. Liberty, and […]

  • Published
    October 26, 2012

    Letters to the Editor: Immigration issues still unaddressed

    The recent uproar over Lewiston Mayor Bob Macdonald’s controversial statements about Somali integration is misguided. The question should not be whether immigrants retain or jettison their cultures; diversity greatly strengthens America. The question should focus on whether this rapid mass immigration should have been permitted at all. • Why did the government and organizations like […]

  • Published
    October 25, 2012

    Letters to the Editor: Senate choice will affect court’s future

    In another election, I would not hesitate to vote for Cynthia Dill. But this is not the time to vote one’s conscience — rather, it is the time to consider much bigger issues. It is possible that we could have a Republican president. It is also possible that two of the more liberal Supreme Court […]

  • Published
    October 24, 2012

    Letters to the editorLoaded words in Dechaine coverage

    The recent wave of exonerations around the country, which, based on new DNA findings, may soon include a case in Maine, brings to mind an accepted journalism practice I’d like to see changed. It’s the way in which people who have been found guilty of a crime are often identified. For example, in two recent […]

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  • Published
    October 24, 2012

    More letters to the editorRomney’s economic advisers have poor track record

    Even as Mitt Romney asserts that he is not George W. Bush, whose tax cuts for the wealthy contributed to a soaring deficit, unfunded wars and our current economic discontent, it’s relevant to note that two of Mr. Romney’s key economic advisers were also economic advisers to Mr. Bush. These same advisers, Greg Mankiw and […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Painkiller article confusing, misleading

    In the Oct. 7 Maine Sunday Telegram is a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article that typifies why the idea of “addiction” is media-driven (“OxyContin’s marketing trumped science in the ’90s”). The article was on Page A2, taking up half a page. It claims that the drug industry’s push of narcotics for long-term chronic pain has resulted […]

  • Published
    October 23, 2012

    More letters: Readers compare Senate qualifications of Dill, King

    How can a person call himself independent when he depends on a clutch of “rich, old white men” – as Cynthia Dill describes the problem of atrophy in government – for buckets of money to support him? Angus King doesn’t look independent when New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg calls, and King runs to Bloomberg’s home […]

  • Published
    October 22, 2012

    More letters: Same-sex marriage hasn’t hurt states where it is legal

    In 2004, Massachusetts legalized civil marriage between same-sex couples. Opponents reacted with alarm, predicting terrible consequences to churches, to businesses, to children and families. Since then five more states, and the District of Columbia, have also provided civil recognition to marriage between same sex-couples. It’s now eight years and 15,000 marriages later. How have the […]

  • Published
    October 22, 2012

    Letters to the editor: ‘Johns’ case holds mirror up to society

    The release of names of the “johns” in Kennebunk has profound meaning for our town and for the nation and world. While I have respect for those who oppose the release, I am also aware that no one stepped forward to protect Alexis Wright or Mark Strong from exposure. We are not concerned about their […]