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  • Published
    February 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: ‘Heroic’ organ donors need aftercare

    It is gratifying that Gary Rutter received a long-awaited kidney and that Hallie Twomey has found solace in donating one of hers (“Six linked patients, three saved lives in series of kidney transplants,” Jan. 17). The marvels of modern medicine and the generosity of the human heart are breathtaking. However, while the article cited possible […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Editorial on Morsi could be informative to Rep. Pingree

    I see in some foreign news outlet headlines that President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt is to shortly go on trial for breaking out of jail. He’d been a political prisoner of the Mubarak regime. Then he was elected president in internationally approved elections. Then he was overthrown by the military. I assume the jailbreak came […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine Voices writers offer nuanced views on issues

    Two different Maine Voices writers converge on our culture’s need to exercise the qualities of humility and respect for complexity. Either/or labels (e.g., left and right, red and blue, pro-choice and pro-life, etc.) only make it easier to escape from difficult ethical struggles on issues both national and personal. Nicole Clegg of Planned Parenthood of […]

  • Published
    February 1, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Food stamp deal disregards the needs of the powerless

    Republicans are fixated on cutting food stamps, heedless of the consequences. Democrats signal their willingness to compromise on the farm bill. The deal would slash food stamps by $90 a month for nearly 850,000 poor families. That is not a compromise. It’s a betrayal of needy families and a lamentable instance of political opportunism. The […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Singing on bus a nuisance, not religious freedom

    If L.D. 1428 leads to 82-year-old women singing hymns and spirituals on Portland buses with impunity (“Maine Voices: Maine’s religious freedom bill correctly worded, sorely needed,” Jan. 23), then it needs to be immediately dismissed from further consideration by the Maine Legislature. It will promote public nuisance, not religious freedom. George Hixon South Portland  

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  • Published
    January 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Governors’ natural gas push not the best energy solution

    What’s worse than big government? Government stooges representing big business and claiming to be tea party, like the attempt to use public funds to build gas infrastructure in our region. (“New England governors start push to cut cost of power” Jan. 23) They want to charge consumers in advance to expand private businesses with a […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Franklin Street’s future should start with the past

    After seeing the two photos on the front page Jan. 27 showing what Franklin Street looked like in 1963 compared to now (“Franklin Street redesign to free up valuable city land”), it became apparent to me what the city needs to do to make the area beautiful again: Tear everything down and put it back […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: South Portland tar sands ban reflects public opinion

    The letter “Moratorium on tar sands oil ignores voters’ decision” (Jan. 23) misrepresents many key facts about events in South Portland. In 300 words, I can correct only three. The citizens of South Portland are, in fact, undertaking a clear act of democratic self-determination. • First, the Nov. 5 vote was on a specific ordinance […]

  • Published
    January 31, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Portland lawmaker’s reaction to bill offends religious advocate

    Speaking as a member of the Judiciary Committee for the Maine Legislature in a recent work session (Jan. 23), Rep. Matthew Moonen, D-Portland, called efforts to protect religious freedom “offensive.” He was attacking L.D. 1428, which is a good bill, passed by Congress and 18 other states. He said some “faith organizations had spent millions […]

  • Published
    January 30, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine social services system failures show lack of leadership

    I was appalled to read Bill Nemitz’s column “Child welfare is sad victim of Maine’s neglect” (Jan. 19). Nemitz hit the nail on the head, concluding, “Enough with the welfare cops. It’s time DHHS hired a few vigilant mothers.” After the LePage administration fired the folks who knew the ropes in Augusta, they realized that […]