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  • Published
    June 10, 2012

    Letters to the editor, June 10, 2012East-west corridor costs criticized

    For more than 80 years, Maine has had in place a fine east-west highway. It begins in Vanceboro on the New Brunswick border, travels westward through Matawamkeag, Brownville, Greenville, Jackman, then over the Canadian border, and on to Montreal and points further west. The only difference between it and the proposed $2 billion-plus superhighway advocated […]

  • Published
    June 9, 2012

    More letters to the editor: Dill displays grasp of issues

    After listening to the Democratic debate aired live on MPBN, I am more fervent in my support for state Rep. Cynthia Dill to be the next U.S. senator representing the state of Maine. Cynthia speaks factually and eloquently and has a clear understanding of the complexities of the social and economic needs facing our state […]

  • Published
    June 9, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Schneider’s resume inspires support

    When Attorney General Bill Schneider announced his Republican candidacy for U.S. Senate, I was thrilled. I met Bill several years ago when we started a town committee here in Durham. His kind smile and powerful presence were an inspiration. He encouraged me to work as part of a team and that we can make a […]

  • Published
    June 7, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Conservative candidates inconsistent

    I regretfully read the profiles of two aspiring Republican Senate candidates, Scott D’Amboise (May 22) and Debra Plowman (May 23). Given the uniformity of their views — legalize gay marriage? No. Legal access for abortion? No. Raise taxes? No, no, no! — is it any wonder the GOP is known as the party of negative? […]

  • Published
    June 7, 2012

    Letters to the editor: Don’t believe everything in the mail

    Recently in the mail I received a solicitation from the National Pro-Life Alliance. It informed me that the only U.S. Senate candidate from Maine who is 100 percent pro-life is Scott D’Amboise. It also stated that none of the other candidates responded to their candidate surveys. Therefore, it surprised me that next to the name […]

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  • Published
    June 6, 2012

    Letters to the editor, June 6, 2012Teachers union’s vote is anti-bullying

    Gov. LePage’s denunciation of the Maine Education Association for endorsing same-sex marriage is simply another way to attack the union and teachers. This is not surprising on the surface, as he has been against both unions and teachers since Day One. However, the fact that he does not seem to think this has anything to […]

  • Published
    June 5, 2012

    Letters to the editor, June 5, 2012Numbers of homeless climbing

    Make no mistake about it, homelessness in Maine is on the rise. Continued cuts to MaineCare and General Assistance programs mean only one thing: more people on the streets of our communities. Here in Portland, the streets are exactly where people will end up; we simply don’t have room in our shelters for any more […]

  • Published
    June 4, 2012

    Letters to the editorEast-West Highway plan opposed

    I was heartened to see an article on the East-West corridor in the Maine Sunday Telegram (“East-West Highway: Answer or albatross?” May 27). Finally, we are given a few words in print on the debate about a project that could define the future of Maine. Should Maine tie itself to a failed economic model that […]

  • Published
    June 3, 2012

    Letters to the editor

    Movement targets voting rights

  • Published
    June 2, 2012

    Letters to the editorWill next big bailout be for graduates?

    I entirely agree with Rebecca Krier’s comments regarding college costs (Another View, “Real college debt crisis problem is the price, not the loan rates,” May 12). My wife and I are helping with the college costs for two grandchildren, so we have first-hand knowledge of obscenely high college costs. We taxpayers and college alumni have […]