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  • Published
    February 20, 2014

    Letter to the editor: What a house! So many things didn’t happen at disputed Stowe residence

    I read with great interest the Press Herald’s Feb. 15 story about the competing “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” houses in Brunswick (“Bowdoin College disputes that Brunswick house for sale is where Stowe penned ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ ”). I was very interested to learn that the house on College Street, in addition to possibly being where Harriet […]

  • Published
    February 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Farm bill takes from the poor, gives to the rich

    Our Congress succeeded in finally producing a farm bill that will trim back the government giveaways to those who, some lawmakers believe, clearly are too lazy to work or to make their children take jobs cleaning school cafeterias. It’s just easier to just go to the local food bank and get boxes of macaroni, dry […]

  • Published
    February 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: If Mainers and other Americans want high-quality services, they should be willing to pay for them

    A basic problem many Americans exhibit is the “I want it all, I want it now and I don’t want to pay for it” mentality. This has led to problems with credit card debt, foreclosures of homes, importation of poorly made goods from overseas and under-resourced public institutions. It seems we want our infrastructure safe […]

  • Published
    February 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Maine communities should rely on budget rather than revenue sharing

    Personally, I love revenue sharing, as it keeps my real estate taxes down, but I more than likely paid in a lot more then I’ll ever get back. There is something wrong in letting the state collect sales tax and other taxes to give back to the towns. Normally, when you send a lot of […]

  • Published
    February 19, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Kathleen Parker distorted meaning of idea of religious freedom

    I was disturbed by Kathleen Parker’s commentary “Obama of two faces when it comes to religious freedom” (Feb. 11). The concept of religious freedom, as I understand it, has to do with the ability of individuals to express their religious beliefs and practice without interference. It does not include the right to impose those religious […]

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  • Published
    February 18, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Passage of budget bill great news for Global Fund

    In a political culture fraught with struggle and polarization, I am very grateful for the bipartisan work of congressional lawmakers as they came together from both sides of the aisle last month to pass the FY2014 omnibus appropriations bill. This bill will have great impact on the lives of the world’s most vulnerable, impoverished citizens. […]

  • Published
    February 18, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Doctors should reject expansion of Medicaid

    I’ve seen letters from doctors advocating Medicaid expansion. They must have already forgotten the massive hospital debt that Gov. LePage only just recently paid off after years of fiscal mismanagement at the hands of liberal politicians in our state. Medicaid provider reimbursement levels have doctors and hospitals operating at a loss. And, as it turns […]

  • Published
    February 18, 2014

    Letter to the editor: A way to make that spare change count

    “Excuse me, do you have any spare change?” How many times have we all gotten that question? Some of us ignore the person and mutter: “Get a job.” Others wonder if the money will just be used to buy booze or drugs. Some bridle at the very concept of the word “spare” describing money. Others […]

  • Published
    February 18, 2014

    Letter to the editor: ‘Midtown’ height comparison downplays the significance

    In a letter to the Press Herald on Feb. 10 (“People are entitled to form their own opinions on Bayside’s ‘midtown’ project”), Patrick Venne says this about the proposed development in Bayside: “Rather than simply concluding the project is ‘mega’ … consider the facts: It’s shorter than the tallest building in Brunswick.” I find this […]

  • Published
    February 17, 2014

    Letter to the editor: Fast-track legislation bad for U.S. business

    Trade agreements can, and have, led to the continued exportation of American jobs. Fast-track legislation, which establishes a process in which trade deals can be submitted to Congress allowing no amendments and limiting debate on trade deals, only hurts American jobs even more. Fast track has produced deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement, […]