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  • Published
    April 17, 2019

    Letter to the editor: CMP line would bring clean power to New England

    The debate continues over CMP’s proposed transmission line through western Maine to bring Quebec hydropower to Massachusetts. Opponents of the project usually represent themselves as environmentalists, but I can’t see how an environmentalist with his or her eyes open would oppose this project. New England is a single power market; when a power plant closes […]

  • Published
    April 17, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Maine’s state song doesn’t need to insult others

    “Go straight to hell with your rebel yell …” ? A state song is fine with me – although I recall singing a state song in school as a child – and this is an engaging song. But I would prefer not to extend the North/South conflict any longer than necessary and having this line […]

  • Published
    April 17, 2019

    Letter to the Editor: College admissions scandal raises questions about the justice system

    What happened to community-based corrections?

  • Published
    April 16, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Zoning should keep children’s health in mind

    With a vape shop close to a South Portland school, efforts to contain epidemic youth e-cigarette use will be stymied.

  • Published
    April 16, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Shut down detention centers for migrant children

    In the United States of America, in the year 2019, we have a detention center for children made up of tents. It’s on the edge of a swamp in the path of hurricanes. This for-profit child detention center houses 2,200 traumatized children who were separated from their families for the sin of fleeing violence. Its […]

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  • Published
    April 16, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Education, adverse-effects monitoring must be part of vaccine promotion

    I support L.D. 798, the proposed legislation to repeal philosophical exemptions for vaccination. Funding for public health services, including vaccination, has declined since the 1980s. Programs that deliver vaccines and consumer information about them have not kept up with the changing situation. In 2019, vaccination rates have declined, distrust in programs has risen and there […]

  • Published
    April 16, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Heed lessons in fallen trooper’s exemplary life

    I attended the funeral service for fallen Maine State Trooper Benjamin J. Campbell. It was powerful. The heartfelt tributes from his wife, Hilary, and fellow law enforcement brothers and sisters were nothing short of remarkable. Trooper Campbell led a life of service, guardianship and love. We can take lessons from such a life. We can […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Article put victim in negative light

    My name is Ismail Warsame. I graduated from Portland High in 2004. I also am a University of Maine graduate with a bachelor’s in international relations and master’s in education. I am a former Portland resident and now live in Corvallis, Oregon. I read the April 5 article titled “Portland man charged with murder in […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Shooting victim led a life that mattered

    The Press Herald’s story on murder victim Isahak Muse should have come under the headline “Black Lives Don’t Matter.” The story by reporter Megan Gray (“Slaying suspect and victim were schoolmates at Deering High,” April 10) paints a picture of the victim, a young black man, as a criminal with driving violations and an arrest […]

  • Published
    April 15, 2019

    Letter to the editor: Newspaper should be ashamed of shooting story

    I am beyond disappointed in the April 10 Portland Press Herald article posted about the death of Isahak Muse. He was painted in such a deep shadow while the writer spoke of the accomplishments of his killer. Everything was unclear, from the photo to the headline. This was biased reporting. and the people at the […]