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Arts & Entertainment

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Feast for your eyes: 13 books to display

    Lavish photo books make great gifts, and there are options to suit everyone.

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Dine Out Maine: Go Gogi for a Korean-Mexican blend with (mostly) meat

    Gogi, pronounced with two hard consonants, means “meat” in Korean. Add a prefix to the word for a more comprehensive descriptor – dalg-gogi for chicken meat or soe-gogi for beef (yeomso-gogi for goat), and this is the concept for both “gogi” the word and Portland’s Gogi the restaurant. Meat. Specifically, meat tacos and quesadillas. Gogi […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Television: Is ‘Glee’ on its way out or just no longer a supernova?

    A recent subplot on “Glee” features an anguished dad trying to quash his son’s dreams of becoming a professional dancer because, he reasons, show business is so fickle. And indeed it is — as Fox has witnessed to its chagrin this fall. A rare TV/music double sensation just last year, “Glee” — an over-the-top romp […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Portland Ballet wraps up ‘Nutcracker’ season with its Victorian version

    Portland Ballet Company stages “The Victorian Nutcracker” at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Friday at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. In a season of traditional Christmas programs, the production stands out for its originality and sense of place. It’s set in Victorian-era Portland with the city’s historical figures, and the stage sets are designed based on Deering […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Author Q&A: She’s the boss

    A new book offers examples of successful female entrepreneurs as a way to inspire other women to turn their ideas into careers.

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  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Signings, etc.


  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Society Notebook: Stage hand

    Friends of Freeport Factory Stage hope to raise money and a corps of volunteers to keep the theater running.

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Anita Stewart does stage right …

    By all accounts, her visionary leadership skills are one of the main reasons Portland Stage has become an enviable success story.

  • Published
    December 18, 2011

    Bob Keyes: Take pride in these pipes

    Portland’s magnificent Kotzschmar Organ will be undergoing extensive repairs next year. No doubt, we will miss the historic organ while it is out of commission for up to 18 months. This means that every concert that utilizes the Kotzschmar between now and its 100th anniversary next summer should be treasured. With that as context, Tuesday’s […]

  • Published
    December 18, 2011
    box office

    Movies: With ‘Mission: Impossible,’ director leaves comfort zone

    Brad Bird has made some of the more brilliant and thrilling animated movies of the past two decades, if not of all time. He pushed the boundaries of feature animation with “The Iron Giant” and won best-animated-feature Oscars with “The Incredibles” and “Ratatouille,” merging commercial and critical success. But Bird scorns complacency, quoting Steve Jobs’ […]