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Ryan Richards, shop foreman at the Shed Happens manufacturing yard in Standish, works on framing an 8-by-8-foot shed. He enjoys coaching and teaching new employees and keeping them busy but says winter is tough because delivering sheds in the snow and mud can be a challenge. John Patriquin/Staff Photographer
On the Job: Ryan Richards, Shed Happens -
John Patriquin/Staff Photographer |
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Ryan Richards, shop foreman at the Shed Happens manufacturing yard in Standish, works on framing an 8-by-8-foot shed. He enjoys coaching and teaching new employees and keeping them busy but says winter is tough because delivering sheds in the snow and mud can be a challenge.
On the Job: Ryan Richards, Shed Happens -
John Patriquin/Staff Photographer |
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Richards moves one of 10 sheds he and his crew built on a recent workday at Shed Happens. Richards also delivers sheds all over New England and has even delivered a few in Canada.
On the Job: Ryan Richards, Shed Happens -
John Patriquin/Staff Photographer |
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Some of Shed Happens' finished sheds at the showroom, 509 Warren Ave. in Portland.
On the Job: Ryan Richards, Shed Happens -
John Patriquin/Staff Photographer |
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Richards has been working at Shed Happens for 13 years and is in charge of a two- to four-man crew. Together they can produce 10 8-by-8-foot sheds per day.