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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Jason Martin plays the role of Charlie Scott, a ferryman who brings people between Deer Isle and the mainland in the play "The Last Ferryman" at the Stonington Opera House. The play, based on historical events, looks at the conflicting attitudes of islanders during the 1930s when an effort to build a bridge to Deer Isle gained momentum.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    The bridge between Sedgwick and Deer Isle, photographed from Deer Isle.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Women and their daughters look forlorn in this scene set in a kitchen in a Deer Isle house in the play "The Last Ferryman" which depicts the winter of 1934 when Eggemoggin Reach froze solid and ferry service to the island was halted. This caused some islanders to go without heat because fuel oil trucks could no longer get to the island. The harsh winter and halt in ferry service helped the effort to build a bridge to Deer Isle gain momentum.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    The Stonington Opera House stands out as a center for culture and arts in downtown Stonington.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Paul Farwell plays the role of Frank McGuire, the owner of a granite quarry who leads the effort to have a bridge built to Deer Isle. In this scene, McGuire reads a decree from the Maine state government that the bridge will be allowed to be built across Eggemoggin Reach, connecting Deer Isle with mainland Maine.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    Donata Cucinotta, playing the role of Annie McGuire, tells ferryman Charlie Scott, played by Jason Martin, that he should stop fighting the effort to build a bridge to Deer Isle in this scene from a dress rehearsal of "The Last Ferryman" at the Stonington Opera House.

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    ‘The Last Ferryman’ at Stonington Opera House - Gregory Rec/Staff Photographer | of | Share this photo

    The effort to build the bridge between Sedgwick and Deer Isle, which opened in 1939, is the focus of the new play "The Last Ferryman" at the Stonington Opera House, which runs from Aug. 14-24.
