MEDWAY, Mass. – More than a year after losing their 20-year-old son, James, in a crash, Sandra and Robert Paquette of Norfolk were trying to enjoy themselves at a friend’s party.

That’s when Ruth Larkin walked in.

“Ruthie went right over to my husband and said, ‘Did you lose a son who was a couple inches taller than you? Well he’s here. He’s right behind you,”‘ Sandra Paquette said recently at Larkin’s Medway home. “She started talking about motorcycles, fishing and everything James. She nailed it. She said things no one would know.”

Larkin is a psychic medium who offers free readings to parents who have lost a child.

One of those parents is Paquette, who said Larkin helped her “get up off the floor and carry on” because it put her mind at ease knowing that James is OK.

During a follow-up reading with the Paquettes, Larkin said James came through and said his mother had bought him a gift and wrapped it the Christmas before, and he didn’t want her to do that again.


Without her husband knowing, Paquette had done just that.

“I’m telling you that what she does is amazing. I’m living proof that it’s real,” Paquette said. “She’s helped so many people. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t believe in her.”

Larkin also is in the process of starting a psychic network to help search for missing kids.

She grew up in a strict Catholic family in Indiana and then Massachusetts, and while she’s had the gift for as long as she can remember, she didn’t embrace it until later on.

“I never wanted it. I didn’t want any part of it,” she said.

Larkin pursued a job in voice and data sales, where she was successful working with national accounts.


After bouncing around the country, her job brought her back to Massachusetts in 2007, when she started to welcome her skills as the Bean Town Medium.

“I had a lot of false pride, and I was concerned what people might think,” Larkin said. “I’m just a regular person. This isn’t a big secret, and it’s not magic. It’s energy.”

Larkin, who is certified in integrated energy therapy and is a Reiki master and teacher, said that every cell in the body is energy, and since energy cannot be destroyed, it keeps going as spirit when we die.

An Eastern philosophy of healing using energy, Reiki is a technique many health care providers are now utilizing in addition to traditional medicine.

Psychic abilities aren’t much different, Larkin said.

She said she wants to assure those who have lost a loved one that there is an afterlife for all of us.

“People who say there may be an evil side, that’s not true at all,” Larkin said. “The answer is always love, and it’s so strong.”


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