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  • Published
    May 19, 2010

    State rule book wrong on free fishing days

    Those fishing Memorial Day weekend without a license could be summonsed for breaking the law, despite the fact those two days are listed as "free fishing" days.

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Allen Afield:Consider road bikes, they’re fun and fast

    The evening before I wrote this column, my intrepid companion, Jolie, said, “Wow, you look skinny tonight!” It was little wonder. That day, I had bicycled 62 hilly miles in celebration of May 1, the target date for the year’s first half-century ride. I had been training for the challenge since March 5. A full […]

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Ask an outdoorsman: Know yourself before buying a kayak

    Q: What kind of kayak should I buy?  A: That’s a good question because there are plenty of choices. Let’s narrow the field down a bit and assume you aren’t an adrenaline fiend who’s looking to ride rampaging rapids in a whitewater kayak. That leaves a lot of kayaks that can be paddled on ponds, […]

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Hunting: Knowing to keep quiet key in turkey hunting

    The first chord is struck as you scrape a chalked paddle across the top of your box call, changing the pressure at the last to create a two-note kee-yawk not unlike the rusty door hinge of a ’62 Olds. From somewhere in the distance comes a primordial sound that stands the hair up on the […]

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Freshwater fishing: Smelt run complete, but Sebago still hot

    While the salmon and togue fishing improves on Sebago Lake, it continues to go great guns Down East, according to yet another positive report by regional state biologists in the region. It nearly makes you question these guys … except that they’re out there fishing on their days off. REGION A: SOUTHERN MAINE The smelt […]

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  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Kid Tracks: The application that’s a perfect family adventure

    Several years ago my family learned the game of geocaching with our GPS unit. These days we don’t need that unit to find hidden treasures. We can use the Geocache Navigator application on my mobile phone. It’s easy to use and simplifies things when I’m with the kids or trying to teach a friend how […]

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Birding: ‘Pleased, pleased, pleased to meetcha!’

    When you hear that song, you'll know the chestnut-sided warbler has returned.

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Royal River: Blood, sweat and gear

    It's rare that anyone attempts to paddle the entire Sabbathday Lake to Casco Bay route – and a group who tried recently discovered why.

  • Published
    May 16, 2010

    Fleming: If sailing arouses your curiosity, here’s a great chance to try it

    Despite the recession, SailMaine has been growing, at least in the number of new and eager sailors finding the sailing school on Portland’s waterfront. Those numbers for the nonprofit went up last year and again this year, and show no sign of slowing down. “We were growing steady since 2004, then maintained during a year […]

  • Published
    May 8, 2010

    Is this farewell?

    A new dam may replace the iconic, century-old Upper Dam. A lot of anglers aren't happy – and fear the fish won't much like it, either.